If We Were Dead

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We continued to talk and we did probably until 5 in the morning. Which is when we decided it was time to sleep and he offered the living room but I said he could sleep in my bed, I didn't mind and we agreed same bed, no homo.

It turned a little gay.

Nico was first to fall asleep and I was almost asleep when I felt something against my chest and opened my eyes to see Nico's head in my shoulder, fast asleep.

I just smiled and wrapped my arms around him and I don't think I've slept better before.

When I woke up Nico was still asleep so I was careful in getting out of bed, something I mastered like the two times Annabeth and I actually slept in the same bed and she's a cuddler. It was around 10:45. Jaydn was already awake in the living room. Didn't seem very happy to see me, though. But yet as I made myself just a small breakfast she'd like stare me down.

"I'm telling you the same thing I told your sister," I tell Jaydn as I continue doing what I'm focused on," if you hate me, I could care less. Whatever the reason, sorry, but it can't be helped much anymore. You're stuck with it for another year."

"You're like 20," she points out," another year?"

I just look at her.

"I'm 17. Yes, another year. I can't afford not to graduate."

"Why? Are you going to go out for the military for something?"

I looked at her in horror.

"I'll die first," I was simple about that.

That seemed to surprise her as here came Alaya.

"Really? You seem like the type."

"Type for what?" Alaya questioned.

"Percy, he seems like he'd be the type to go into military."

"So its not just me!"

"I'm not going into military," I clarify for them," okay? I'll die first."


"Yes," I was serious," I'm not going through that. No thank you."

"You'd rather just take the cowards way out?"

"No, I'd rather keep my sanity."

This is when we got a knock on the door and I answer.

To my father.

"Yes?" I asked him as he stood in the hall.

"Perseus," he knows that I hate my full name," could I come inside?"

I step out of the way and let him in. Closing the door as he comes in, bringing tension with him.

We move to the kitchen and at first it was calm and there was nothing wrong.

And then he got mad. For reasons unknown, he just got upset with me.

I wasn't looking at him when he raised his hand.

But surely enough, I felt his hand slap me.

The sound echoed through the apartment and the first thing I thought was Gabe.

So I reacted as I'd react if it was Gabe that hit me. Or maybe even my mother.

I had a knife by me, I picked it up as I rammed him against the wall. The knife just a few centimeters from his throat.

Was I scaring Alaya and Jaydn?

Probably, yeah.

At that point, I didn't really care, though.

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