Walk On Your Own

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Why everyone was here, nobody knows. They just showed up. But they can't leave.

Percy was in my cabin as we're relaxing in my bedroom. When I decide to ask.

"Since when do you have an older brother?"

Percy let out a sigh.

"He ran away after he graduated high school, I was 4," Percy explained, "it was a forbidden topic at home so I never talked about it here."

I mean it was a reasonable answer.

The signal went off for Campfire and we head to the nightly event. Joining Jason, Piper, and Grover.

Suddenly two kids. Maybe 2 years old, come up to me yelling uncle Nico.

I look over at Hazel.

"I don't have kids, I promise!"

Percy looks at me.

"They don't even know you and they've accepted you," Percy told me.

"But who?" I question.

"Daniel's kids."

"Oh," I remarked," well that was easy."

Suddenly Alex rushes over. I think his name was Alex. I could be wrong.

"Sorry," he apologized to me," they're little, there's lots of people, it's a lot for them."

"Its fine," I assured him as he took them back to where Daniel was seated.

Well there's a piano here and older demigods took charge tonight, right? So they start a melody and Percy and Grover looked so just stopped like they didn't know what to do as Annabeth for a second was dumbfounded and proceeded to cry.

And not just her, all the older demigods, and even almost Percy, was crying about this like as they start to sing a song we've never heard before.

Octovain started to cry as he softly sang along. None of the Romans knew it. But yet he did.

Singing 'oh love, get me out of the cold'

Was what I could tell as the chorus.

"What song was that?" Leo asked me.

"I'd sing along if I knew," I inform him.

An older demigod, I'm not sure of her name, was one who brought up the question after the song.

"Wait, where's Luke? He should be here."

Dead silence.

I never knew Luke personally. But I knew he had been Kronos Host.

Also knew he was dead.

"Yeah," another guy retorts," the only way he'd ever leave this place is if he died or Annabeth died."

So many people knew. But nobody spoke.

"The last I heard from him was... 3 years ago?" Alex adds on," he can't be dead. I mean, it's Luke."

Silence continues.

They tried IM. They tried calling. Texting. Email. 30 to 50 of them it must've been. He would've answered if he was alive.

But he's not.

"He can't be dead." They were confident in that.

They tried so hard to find him from where they were and Annabeth left to her cabin. Most demigods that knew him that knew he was dead did. Percy didn't.

Now He's Dead (Percy Jackson)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz