chapter 2 the darkness consumes me

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Percy's POV.
Its been three since Sam had arrived he had already turned the whole camp against me only Annabeth , Nico who hasn't been at camp he was helping out his dad in the underworld as the ghost king and Talia who was with the hunt the rest of the seven but Annabeth had left me for Sam. Annabeth had been growing distance from me so I decided to ask Athena for her permission to marry her daughter I had to 12 labors of Hercules as soon as I was done Athena gave me her permission to marry Annabeth I made this beautiful ring it had golden band with an owl  with two diamonds for eyes when was sea green the other one was storm Grey on the inside of the band it says Percy and Annabeth forever I got a little help from Hephaestus it was truly a beautiful ring worthy of Hephaestus himself as soon as I got back to camp I saw a lot of campers giving me a sad look I stop by the Athena cabin to look for Annabeth as I knock on the door will answer ask him if he had seen annabeth he looks sad and told me that she's at the beach I told him thanks walked over to the beach I saw two campers making out one of them Sam moved a little bit closer so I can get a better look at who the other person was as I got close I saw blonde hair I thought maybe it was another Athena kid but when I park I saw that it was annabeth as soon as I saw her something had broke inside me annabeth how could you do this I said I have been cheating on you with Sam for four months I just turned around and took off to Talia's tree as soon as I got there I fell onto my knees and just stared until I felt the ground open up and drag me into the pit of Tartus and then I blacked out.

That's it for chapter two chapter three will be out maybe tonight or tomorrow till them my hello Demiprimordial.

Percy Jackson betrayedWhere stories live. Discover now