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"breathe, anna. ” in, out. slower. in, out. I repeated this in my head until I calmed down. today was the day.

“can I finish now?” nicole asked, watching as I responded. “yes, please.” she sighed and pulled my hair back, twisting it into some intricate design. after pinning it and spraying what seemed like an entire can of hairspray into it, she spun me around to look me in the eyes.

“well, I'll admit— I didn't think you would make it. but you did, and I am so proud of you two. now stand up and let's get you into that dress before I start to cry, and it's not even my wedding.”

slipping into the dress made it all feel more real. suddenly the hair and makeup and the decorations made sense. it's really happening.

“look at you. you're beautiful. he won't know what hit him when you come walking down that aisle,” she said, making me smile.

she walked me to where I was supposed to meet up with my parents. drew came around the corner and she squealed, pushing me into the nearest room before he saw me. “you! out! shoo!” I heard her yell at him. “I have to use the bathroom, nicole. chill yourself. ”

I giggled listening to their exchange. carefully, I cracked the door open and slipped my hand out of the crack, grabbing his.

he squeezed my hand, letting me know he'd see me out there in a bit. I sighed, releasing his hand.

my mom and dad found me, tears in their eyes. my mother pulled me into a tight hug, letting go only when I told her I couldn't breathe. “you found your person. I'm so proud of you.”

my dad smiled as she walked to her seat, offering his arm for me to lace mine through. “are you ready?”

the butterflies erupted in my stomach. my future is on the other side of these doors. as soon as they open, my life will change. and I'm okay with that.

“I'm ready.”

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