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they were laying in bed together holding each other close, knowing that she had to leave in a few hours. he asked if she could just stay, which he knew was irrational because she had school and friends and family to go back to. he asked if she could let him tag along, but she just sighed and told him that she wishes he could. she curled up as close as she could to him and sniffled, holding onto his shirt. they were tired but didn't want to fall asleep yet. he put his arm around her and started drawing little circles on her back, knowing that it calmed her. he curled up around her, not wanting to let her go, either.

eventually he drifted off to sleep after mumbling a quiet "I love you," to which she replied "I love you more than you'll ever know, always." they fell asleep with smiles on their faces.

when he woke up, she wasn't next to him. he felt a sense of dread, thinking that she must have left without saying goodbye. but when he walked down to the kitchen he saw a sleepy, beanie-headed, bag carrying girl eating a bowl of fruit loops. when she looked up at him, she shot him a timid smile, knowing that goodbyes had to come next.

she stood up and took her bowl to the sink, rinsing it out for a little longer than she needed to. he walked over to her and hugged her from behind, resting his chin on her head. he told her that he loves her and he'll miss her terribly but she has to go and he understands that. when she turned around, he cupped her face in his hands and gave her a kiss. she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him closer, kissing him harder. when they broke away, she promised she would come home as soon as she could.

he walked her to the door, saying “see you later" because it was easier than saying goodbye. with a soft "I love you," she was gone. he watched as she closed the door behind herself, tears threatening to spill out of his eyes. when he went back upstairs, he laid on the bed they shared and pulled her pillow close, inhaling the smell of coconut and falling back to sleep. she never left his mind.

when she closed the door behind her, she made her way to the car quickly so that she couldn't overthink it and run back inside. her cheeks were tear stained as she entered the car. her friend that is driving her to the airport notices how quiet she's being. more quiet than usual. she tells her that she knows it's hard, but everything will be okay. the girl simply nods her head and leans against back against the seat, quickly falling asleep. he never left her mind.

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