Chapter 22: Relaxation time- Big day coming up!

Start from the beginning

Sakura: Hey guys! (waves back and walks towards them and looks at Ino) It'll grow back right Ino. (Chuckles) 

Ino: Why you! (march towards her but ryuki holds her back) 

Ryuki: Down girl! (Rubs her hair) The hair looks nice! The hair looks nice!

Rin: Where's Whiskers?

Sakura: He's still off training. That's naruto for you. Always training.

Ryuki: He's still training huh? Figured.

Shikamaru: What are you doing anyways? 

Sakura: Well I was picking up some groceries for tonight but I saw something that caught my eye. After that I saw Rin waving at me.

Ryuki: Well I still got something I wanna look into. Later sakura. (Walks away) 

Ino: Later Forehead! (Runs and latches herself onto ryuki's arm)

*After Rin, Choji, and Shikamaru were finished talking to sakura, Ryuki and Ino were nowhere in sight*

Rin: Um...

Shikamaru: Where'd they go?

Choji: Those two are fast.

Rin: Ugh I can guess where they are going. Come on.

*Ryuki and Ino both walk through the village making their way to Ryuki's and rin's house*

Ryuki: (Opens the door) Ladies first.

Ino: Goofball (Walks in)

Ryuki: I was just trying to be nice ya know (walks in and closes the door) Thirsty? 

Ino: It depends on what you have. tea?

Ryuki: On the way (Jogs to the kitchen area)

Ino: So, you ready for tomorrow?

Ryuki: Eh. I'm feeling pretty good about myself to be honest. I feel that all the hard work I've been doing is gonna pay off. Still I need to stay focused and not make a mistake cause If I do....(shakes his head)

Ino: (Wraps her arms around him) You'll do great. I believe you will.

Ryuki: Thanks. Ino.....(looks at her)

Ino: (Looks back) Yes?......

*They face gets closer but before they lock lips someone approaches the door*

Rin: (Kicks the door down) I knew it!

Ryuki: Ahhh!! (Freezes in one spot and screams but once he realizes who came in the house, his facial expression changes and he becomes angry) You little.....(walks towards rin)

Rin: That reaction was priceless! (Laughs)

Ryuki: I'll show you priceless twerp. 

Rin: Bring it!

Ryuki: Come here! (Grabs rin as they both start fighting in a cat like manner)

Shikamaru: Seriously (Face-palms)

Choji: (chuckles) Ohh. Is that a limited edition Ramen bowl!? I've looked everywhere for that! (runs to the kitchen)

Rin: (Stops and stares at choji) Don't!

Ryuki: (Looks at Choji with the same expression) Touch!

Rin and Ryuki: My ramen!! (jumps at choji has he gets caught in the brawl)

Ino: Well there goes my moment alone with him. (Smiles)

Shikamaru: It was her Idea ya know. 

Ino: I know. (Laughs but stops as choji bumps her and makes her fall onto the ground) Why you little! (jumps into the fight)

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