Chapter V

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Song: King For A Day


***Alex's POV***

"We all have secrets Snow White.. Even me. I saved you because I care and I already lost one person from an overdose it doesn't need to be two."

I thought over his words.. He lost someone to an overdose? I felt bad but then again I didn't know him and he didn't know me. I just hope we could move on from all of this and forget about each other, but I know that wasn't going to happen. I knew eventually he would have to give up because sooner or later everyone does. At one point in time everyone sees me as I see myself, useless, worthless, a druggie, and everything in between. After everything that has happen, the Reeds made the decision that Sophia will be picking me up in the morning and dropping me off after school. I don't really care either way. 

I stayed in the hospital over night once more and now I can finally leave. I was changing out of the hospital gown into my own comfy clothes which consisted of grey sweat pants and a black lose cami and some toms. I put my hair up into a pony tail and walked out the room to see Spencer signing some papers. I walked passed him and out the lobby towards his car. I sat in the backseat not wanted to talk about anything he soon came out and went home. I didn't want to deal with anyone right now so I went up to my room and crashed in my bed. I was going back to school and it was only Wednesday. I still have to deal with him. I had to remain calm no matter what and no matter what I couldn't let anyone start shit with me cause I will snap. Also something I have to work on is my anger. I am a total hot head. I couldn't wait to turn 18 and move out and just be on my own like I always have. I was used to being alone. With that last thought I fell into a dreamless night.


I smiled as I heard the sweet sound of Vic's voice. In my opinion, is the best way to wake up. I turned it off and rolled out of bed and made my way to the shower. I took a fifteen minute shower with a towel around my body I brushed out my hair and brushed my teeth. I decided to wear faded ripped jeans, a white shirt which I tied in the front, black combat boots, and a black cardigan. I grabbed my phone off the charger and made my way down stairs and towards the kitchen. I grabbed a apple and waited on the front steps for Sophia. Ten minutes passed before a I heard a honk and looked up to see Sophia in all her glory waving at me. I jumped into her mini cooper and as she started driving. "So, just to let you know Sebastian's been asking about you.." I was confused for a minute but remember the boy who 'saved' me. So that was his name.. "What did you tell him?"

"Nothing, really. Just that you were coming back today." I nodded simply

"But he has been sticking up for you. Some people at school started shit" I shrugged it off as she parked the car. I slipped on my sun glasses and got out her car. As soon as I walked into hell the halls instantly filled with whispers and a lot of stares. Guess my story got out.. I walked over to my locker where a group of girls and a couple of guys were whispering and kept glancing at me. It was really getting annoying.

"You know, if you want to say something say it to my face" I turned around leaning against my locker with Sophia next to me. The group looked up and kept whispering. I rolled my eyes as a ginger came up to me. "So, is it true your parents died?" She had a sly smirk on her caked face. "Yes, they did" I stood up tall in front of her which wasn't much of a difference since we were the same height. "You're pathetic.. Y'know, I know a guy who came help you" Was she serious? People have no sense I swear. "Listen here, ginger. I dare you to start shit with me" Her face became blank before flipping her hair and walking away with her little group.

Fucking amateurs.. They're all idiots. And this day is just getting started. I made my way to my first hour ready to get this day over so I can go back to sleep.


I successfully made it through the first 2 hours without almost punching someone in the throat. I was walking towards art really debating weather or not to actually go. I decided against skipping and walked in. Ignoring his stare and sat in my usual seat. As more students started piling in I continued to feel his gaze on me and I had to resist the urge to snap at him.

Control Alex, control.. Don't let him get to you.. But he will if he keeps staring.

After he called attendance, it was basically a free period where we could draw/paint anything as long as we did something. Sophia was talking to me about some party she was going to on Saturday while I sat and listened I drew a portrait.. I didn't realize who it was until I finished and I was very close to crying but I didn't. I still remember every detail in their face. My moms smile and the way dad looked at her when she did. They were truly in love and when I was younger I wanted something like that but now I realize not everyone deserves that kind of love. Especially not me. I'm so much of a fuck up to love someone or for someone to love me that way. For someone to look into your eyes and fall in love over and over again. I finished off the details in the face of my father and mother. I wish I could see them one last time. I feel jealous of those who have both parents in their lives. The rest of the passed on and so did the week. I ignored my pathetic excuse of a brother and continued on with my lame life.

Currently I was in bed ready to fall into a sleepless night. I couldn't deal with life anymore. I have the Reeds breathing down my back and my withdrawals are getting worse so I have to binge eat to try and control it. Sebastian made attempts to talk to me and his annoying two friends which names are Brandon and Aaron. Kids at school weren't any better. I was about 99.9 percent close to punching that ginger and her stupid ass boyfriend.  I was just glad it's Friday which means It's time for the weekend. Not much however, Sophia is dragging me to some college party tomorrow and I'm dreading it already. I drowned in my thoughts as I fell into a deep sleep.


Yes, I know it's a short chapter. It's more of a filler. Hopefully next Sunday It'll be longer and better. I promise the chapters will start getting better and way more interesting just stick with me please.

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Published September 18, 2016

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