Chapter 1

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(Gah! Hexcitement! I have been planning this for a long time and now that I've finally figured out how to make it work, I have died and resurrected three times over! Now, there are chapters that may or may not be spoilers for Return to Ni No Kuni. I don't know! I'm hexcited for you guys to read that one too! That's probably what's been distracting from writing the Songstress so much...
Swaine: You are too easily distracted.
Me: Shut up Swaine! You know what's going to happen in Return to Ni No Kuni!
Swaine: *Looks at ground sheepishly* I do...
Me: *grins* How's that going for you by the way?
Swaine: Can't we just let them figure it out before we talk about it?
Me: Fine! Enough of this chatter! Onto the one the thing that has made my life worth living! My Doctor Who and Ni No Kuni crossover! Ni No Who!)

The Cloister Bells rang loudly and red lights flashed as the Doctor ran about the TARDIS, pressing every button and pushing every lever he could.

"Come on! Come on! We can't crash!" From where she stood, Martha Jones tried to help.

"Doctor!" She cried out. The Doctor ran over and wrapped his arms around her.

"Brace for impact!" Then they hit the ground, and the TARDIS died down. They stood up and went to the door, peeking out. Staring back at them were people and... were those giant cats!?

"Oh my god! It's like New Earth all over again!" The Doctor exclaimed, wrinkling his nose.

"Doctor? When are we?" Martha asked, a little nervous. He went back into the TARDIS, but it was quiet. It was turned off.

"Oh, that's rubbish!" To Martha, he said "I don't know! I guess we'll find out, won't we?" Then he stepped out and faced the gawking people and giant cats, Martha close behind.

"Hello! I'm the Doctor! Can anybody tell me where I am?"

"You're in Ding Dong Dell." Said one little cat girl timidly. The Doctor smiled at her.

"Ding Dong Dell! I like that name! Never heard of it, but it's a brilliant name!" Martha tapped his shoulder, looking at the TARDIS.

"Um, Doctor?" The Doctor turned around and saw that a black mist had surrounded the TARDIS!

"Oh no no no no no no no!" He exclaimed, trying to grab the door, but his hand went right through it and the TARDIS vanished! "What!?" The Doctor exclaimed. Martha's eyes were wide.

"Now what do we do?" The Doctor turned back to the people of Ding Dong Dell.

"Quickly! Does anyone know where the nearest person in charge is?" That was when someone went flying over their heads on a dragon! The dragon was doing loop de loops.

"Woohoo!" They heard a woman's voice shout.

"Aaaahhhh!" They heard a man's shout. The people of Ding Dong Dell exchanged looks.

"Well, you could meet up with King Tom, who rules over Ding Dong Dell, or you could meet up with them."

"What are they in charge of, exactly?" Martha asked, unsure about the two.

"The city of Hamelin. But it's much farther away." The Doctor grinned up at the two rulers.

"Yeah, but they look like much more fun!" Martha gave him a look.

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