Yes, yes, a million times yes!

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Time skip set for a few months, to her birthday.
Trinity's POV~ The next morning I woke up with Xander, and Madison staring down at me. You could say I jumped a mile. I yelled, "Creepers! Run!" I got out of my bed and hugged them both. They each had presents in their hands. I opened Madison's first and it was a new iPhone case. She showed me hers, hers was a jelly jar and mine was a peanut butter jar. On the card it said, "You could be the peanut butter to my jelly." I hugged her and thanked her, she was the best. Even if she wasn't the richest in the whole world, she could show me the world in her perspective. I love her, she has been my best friend since kindergarten and I would jump off a cliff to save her life.

I hadn't noticed I had been thinking for awhile because someone poked me from behind. I noticed it was Xander holding a bag. I opened the bad and in it held a ring and a necklace. All of the sudden he had got onto one knee and said, "Trinity, I know we haven't been together long but I feel as though I know more about you than anyone and I want you to be mine forever. Will you do the honor of marrying me?"

I started tearing up and jumped up quickly when I noticed him become very worried. I hugged the living daylights out of him and yelled, "YES, yes a million times yes! I love you Xander. I really do, and I want to be yours forever and always!" He put the ring on my finger and we kissed. When we finished our make-out session, I had noticed Madison looking very uncomfortable, I shooed Xander down to make breakfast. "Hey Madds, you okay?"

"YEah, I'm just super happy for you. I wish I would be getting engaged on my birthday and prom. Maybe some day..."

I had totally forgotten about prom and how Xander asked me the other night, we were out walking when this "rival gang" pulled up and grabbed me and him from behind. We got into the car and when we pulled up to an abandon warehouse, we got out and the driver pulled off his mask, and it was Hunt. Then all of these people came out with a huge sign and Xander asked me to prom. Then I asked why Hunt was there, and he said he loves me more with Xander than Nick... Blah blah blah. "PRom, I had totally forgotten! We have to go get our dresses!"

"Chill hon. I knew you were going to forget so I saved up my allowance and bought us both dresses! Isn't that exciting?"

I looked at her worriedly, "How much, I have you pay you back, I can't let you pay for my dress! Please tell me how much." I went over to my dresser and took out my wallet, I pulled out 7 one hundred dollar bills and gave them to her. She was hesitant at first but when I said that I would rip up her dress, she finally agreed to take them. All of the sudden I heard a voice say breakfast, me and Madison booked it downstairs to the table and ate our meal with Xander in complete silence. I think I'm falling for the gangleader.

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