Chapter 4: Malik's Pov

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Dear Marik,

I used to think that I was alone in the world. Sure have my sister Isis but there was always something missing. That is until I met you.

You were there for me when no one else was. You were there in the shadows lending me strength. You're Darkness, the one that completes my soul. My other half. And I wouldn't change that for the world.

There were times in the when I couldn't go on by myself and you were there. The strength that you gave me was all that kept me going during those times. There were also times when I was tired of fighting and I just wanted to and I just wanted to give up. But you wouldn't let me give up. And I'm glad that you didn't. Because I wouldn't be who I am today without you.

You might not have been the most sane person that I met. But I love you anyway because your different from everybody else. And that you're a bit insane.. I love you, Marik. And All of your flaws Every Last One.

You are my anchor that keeps me from being consumed by the Shadows. And I know that I am yours. We balance each other out perfectly in every way. I think that I wouldn't be able to live without you. I really don't think I would be able to go on with out you. If I lost you, I would be broken and driven insane.

I really wouldn't be who I am today without you here with me. Forever and always.

I Will Never stop loving you, Marik. Even if you asked me to. Because I'm Crazy in Love with you, My Yami. And I wouldn't haven't any other way.

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