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Aiden's POV.

"You're pregnant?.." I looked at her,shocked,she nodded,"It's your baby.." she bit her lip,"Aiden please,don't leave me,please." she cried,I took her hand,"I'm never leaving you." I smiled a little.

"I love you,Aiden." she pecked my lips,"I love you too,Dems...let's wait to my parents though.." I looked at her,she nodded,she crawled into the hospital bed,I put my arm around her,"We're having a baby." she smiled.

"You want this?.." I smiled,"I always wanted a child." Demi smiled,"I just wanted to be married...but  it's whatev." Demi pecked my lips.


"I wish I could come." Demi frowned,I was slipping on white button down shirt,"Homecoming is dumb,high school is dumb,everything about it is dumb." I slipped on my suit. Demi got up  and tied my tie for me,"But it wouldn't be dumb because I'd be dancing with you." she smiled.

I smiled,"I love you." I cupped her face and kissed her,She smiled,"I love you,now go get ready." she giggled,"And I love you,baby." I kissed her stomach, then I headed to the bathroom and started slicking back my hair. I finished and threw some cologne on.

"Well..here I go.." I sighed,"Remember,don't drink,and don't kiss girls,but you may dance with them." she smiled,I laughed,"Yes,mother." I kissed her lips.

I cupped her face as I kept kissing her,"Babe,you have to go.." she said in between the kiss,"I wanna stay here kissing you." 

"Well I have the throw up,so." she pulled away,"Oh okay,well,I will see you later." I grabbed my keys and got in my car and drove to school.

I parked my car and headed inside.

"Let's crank it up {crank it up}

Until the walls cave in

Crank it up {Crank it up}

Put the record on spin

Cause I am ready to party

Gonna get my girls and get naughty

Crank it up {Crank it up}

Until the walls cave in

Just crank it up" the music was loud and jamming.

"Hey dude,you are looking good." Matt smile,"Thank you. You do too." I smirked. "I try." Matt joked,I looked at January and saw her and Scott  arguing,I sighed.

January ran off to outside,"Be right back." I followed her out,"Hey."

"Aiden,just go away!" she cried,"What did he do?" I asked,slipping my hands inside my pockets,"Just go away,please!" she cried,"January.." I made her face me, I saw a bruise on her face,"He did this to you!?"

"Aiden,shhh!!" she put her hand over my mouth."Why did he do this to you!?"

"I dunno..after the school shooting...he became different.." she sighed,I hugged her,"And he just ruined my homecoming." she cried.

"We can fix that." I smiled,I took her hands,"But there is no music?.." she looked at me,I took my phone out and put on a slow song,I started slow dancing with her.

Demi's POV.

I headed home,I sighed and opened the door,I turned on the light.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone yelled,"What the fuck?!" I smiled,"We thought you would be home sick so we came to you!" Marissa smiled,"Ah,I missed you!" I hugged her.

I noticed someone behind her...





You probably forgot about this story anyways,cuz it sucks.

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