Please Just Catch Me.

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I slipped on a shirt and jeans,and fixed my hair. I grabbed my bag and headed to my last day of school.

I got out of my car and started walking inside,"Dude,you don't want to go in there.." Matt stopped me,"Well,I have to,if I want to finish Junior year.."

"No,don't go in there dude." Matt tried to stop me."You're being ridiculous." I pushed him out of the way and inside.

I stopped when I notice people were laughing at me and they had pictures of Demi and I on every locker from the other night.

"HEY GAY,YOU MET YOUR FAT BRIDE?!" Jake yelled,I ignored everyone and headed to my locker,which is more decorated with the pictures and glitter then the others,I sighed.

I started getting my books out of my locker,getting it  cleaned.

"Dude,I told you  not to come."Matt told me,"And I told you not to send that picture to everyone." I glared,"Dude,I didn't do shit! January was over last night,she probably got ahold of my phone and sent it."

"You did do shit,you didn't secure your phone." I glared,I closed my locker and walked off,with people laughing at me.

I was starting to get pissed off.

I threw my backpack down,"You guys think it's funny?!" I looked at the crowd,"Yeah,it's so damn hilarious,HA HA." I rolled my eyes,"You think I'm gay because I love a girl who sings?? You guys don't even know the word gay. Gay use to mean carefree,this society changes the whole meaning! Now it means a homosexual. I don't like men,you guys are the idiots."  I picked up my backpack and headed to class.

End of School.

I got in my car,then my phone rang,I started up my car then I answered it,"Hello?" I answered,"Hey,it's Marissa Callahan.." she said,"Oh hey." I said,"I called because Demi.." Marissa said in a worried tone.

"What's the matter!?" I freaked,"I think it's best if you come to New York to the Off Soho suites.." Marissa said,"Okay,on my way." I hung up  and started driving to New York.

4 hours later.

My mom wasn't happy that I headed to New York without permisson,but I don't care. I found the suite and I ran inside,"What room?" I texted.

"Rm 34." Marissa texted back.

I  ran to the room and I ran inside,I saw Demi on the bed,looking like a mess,she had a razor in her hand,"Demi!" I ran to her.

"She was fixing to relapse,Aiden.." Marissa cried out,I bent down,"Demi,don't do this,You were doing so good! You have family and friends who love you,fans who you saved. Remember this tattoo." I showed her wrist tattooes,"Stay Strong,Demi,please." I looked at her,and she whined.

"If it wasn't for you,I wouldn't be here,I would of caused suicided because of bullies at school,so if you are willing to relapse,then  I,God forebid,will try to kill myself." I looked at her then grabbed another razor,looking at her.

"You go down,then I go down with you." I looked at her,determined. She looked at me and then she dropped the razor and started crying.

I sighed of relief,I dropped the razor and pulled her into a hug."Tell me what's wrong?" I whispered in her ear.

"W...w....wilmer." she cried out,I pulled away,"What about him?" I looked at her,"He..just used me...for sssss...s...." she broke down crying,"HE USED YOU?!" I looked at her,pissed.

"Yeah." she cried on my chest,"I thought you guys broke up??..." I said confused,"We did..but I called him,asking if we could be friends,but he barked and said he just used me. Aiden,I'm  fed up with men..Joe used me for more rates on Camp Rock 2:The Final Jam...and now Wilmer used me to get inside my pants..I want a normal life..I want to find someone who wants me,for me." Demi cried,I stroke her hair.

I pulled away,"You have to go through the jerks to get to the prince charming...I am willing to show you what a normal life is.." I caressed her cheek.

"Really? What about school?" 

"Yes,really and I finished today,don't worry." I smiled,she hugged me.

"Marissa go help her get clean.." I handed her to Marissa and they headed to the bathroom.


We got her to bed,"I'm going to go get checked in..I'll see you tomorrow,Demi. Bye Marissa." I headed out,"Aiden!" Demi called out.

"Yes?" I looked at her,"Stay..please..don't leave me." Demi begged,I looked down,thinking.

"Alright." I crawled next to her and got under the covers and we fell asleep.


It's fixing to become interesting! :)

Glad you guys love this book as much as I do!<3


PS. Nothing against Wilmer and Joe. Love them both<3

Take Me Away.(Demi fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang