"What would you like?" He asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Aren't you hungry?" He asked again and I nodded my head.

"What's good?" I asked Yi Eun and he pointed to a dish on the menu-butter milk chicken rice.

"I'll trust you then." I smiled and returned the menu back to the waiter. We ended up ordering 2 plates of butter milk chicken rice.

"School starts tomorrow right?" I asked Yi Eun. He nodded his head.

"Are you going to be there?" I continued asking.

"Yes but I will doing research the entire day." He answered.

"Aren't you going to accompany me?" I gave him a puppy face.

"You can manage it yourself." He said and I sulked. Now I was going to be lonely and bored and alone for my first day of school. There won't be anyone that I know. I suddenly don't feel like going to school.

The food finally arrived and I dug in into it, in big bites. I let out a sigh. my hunger was finally satisfied.

"Are we going back home?" I asked and Yi Eun shook his head,"Don't you have to get a phone number?"

"Smart ass." My face beamed and I hopped excitedly in the seat, anticipating our next destination. We went to the mall that was opposite the food stall that we went to. I made Yi Eun buy me a cup of Starbucks just to make me stomach fuller, who knows when I will be able to eat again.

I followed Yi Eun to a phone shop and he started conversing with the shop attendant. He looked into the look through glass and chose a number for me.

"Digi?" I asked as I took up the packaging of the phone number he chose.

"I use this carrier as well." He mumbled and I pursed my lips and looked at it.

"But I don't like the colour."I complained. I wasn't the biggest fan of yellow. He rolled his eyes but ignored me nonetheless. After the shop attendant fitted the card into my phone, I immediately opened my mobile data.

"I missed the internet so much." I  let out a cry of joy as I scrolled through my Facebook, Instagram notifications. I wasn't one to update much, but one to stalk more.  My Whatsapp didn't have much notifications as well, I wasn't really social active in high school.

"How long were we out from the house? 30 minutes?" Yi Eun questioned as he started walking ahead. What's with him and walking off from me? I walked faster to catch up with him.

"You didn't give me the wifi password and I was too busy unpacking my stuff." I explained as he shook his head," Where are we going anyways?"

"Groceries." He was back to his one word reply. We reached the basement of the mall where the supermarket was. He grabbed a trolley and pushed it in.

"Do you have Facebook?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Instagram?" I asked again and was replied with the same response.

"Woah. You are so lifeless."

"Thank you. But I'm happy, that's all that matters." He mumbled as he took up some apples and started inspecting it before putting it into the translucent plastic bags to be weighed. We bought lots of fruits ( turns out Yi Eun was a health freak) and vegetables and meat (too bad there wasn't much beef available here). I spotted roasted seaweed and tossed a few packets into the trolley.

"A meal wouldn't be complete without this." I stated my claim, making no room for objections. Yi Eun, just like how I expected him to act, didn't react and simply continued strolling through the supermarket.

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