Chapter Three: Amara

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I have 4th period lunch this year, and so does Lauryn. Italian, lunch, and gym are the only classes we have together, but that's fine.

Just as I predicted, I got a lot of stares from people when I wasn't walking in the halls with Lauryn. I even saw a few Royalty Tattoos on some kids wrists today.

I walked from 3rd period Science to 4th period lunch with Lauryn. On the walk to the cafeteria, Lauryn filled me in on everything I needed to know about the school.

"This school used to teach Jennifer Hopkins, the famous singer," Lauryn says. Jennifer Hopkins was a really good singer. She used to sing covers and original songs on YouTube before she went big.

The next three years of her life went by fast. She quit school in her freshman year of high school and started performing at concerts. Now she has millions of fans from across the world, won 4 Grammys, and has made more than 13 amazing albums.

But now she wants to chill a little with music. She says she wants to spend the next two years of her life as a college student. She'll still make music, but won't be as active in the music community.

"Also, the school librarian is nearing 90 years of age," Lauryn says. "She may keel to the ground one day so watch out."

The two of us laugh out loud. That was a pretty dark joke, but I kinda liked it.

"And, a girl went missing last year."

I stop laughing. What?

"A girl by the name of Amara Wilson went missing last year. She was a 7th grade student here. Police reports say that her mother checked up on her in the morning to go to school, and she was gone."

That sounds creepy. How can no one know where she is? What happened? Did she run away? Got kidnapped?

"And I've been trying to piece together where she is, but every lead I get just sends me to a dead end." Lauryn says. "But it's okay. Amara is likely still alive."

"Huh." I say. That sounds saddening. Like, she could be alive, but we shouldn't be surprised if she's dead.

Lauryn and I head onto the lunch line to get out food. I order pizza and fries, with a fruit cup. Lauryn gets a chicken sandwich and a juice box.

We sit in a seat all the way in the back of the cafeteria, kind of hidden. "Over there to your right," Lauryn says after a bite of her sandwich. "Is Cristianna Smith. She was friends with Amara last year. She was super sad when she found out she was gone."

I look at Cristianna. She's sitting with two rude looking girls, who seem to be talking about someone across the cafeteria.

"The girls she's with are Tatiana and Eliana Rivera, sisters. Tatiana is in 7th grade and Eliana is in 8th." Lauryn explains. Tatiana and Eliana remind me of this girl at my old school. Her name was Mya, probably one of the most annoying people I've ever met.

Maybe they're nice and I'm just assuming.

I take a bite of my pizza. The cheese is soggy but whatever. I have nothing better to eat. Mom sucks at making lunches and I refuse to get another soggy banana and peanut butter sandwich in my lunch ever again.

"I call them the Triple A's," Lauryn says. "All of their names end with a, so it just fits. Last year when Amara was still here I called the the Quad A's."

"You are a very interesting person, Lauryn," I say with a smile.

Lauryn takes a sip of her juice. " Tell me something I don't know." She says with a smirk.

As lunch continues on, the subject of Amara keeps popping up in my head.

It's creepy knowing that a year ago, Amara may have sat here, not even knowing she wouldn't be here a year later.

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