Pass or fail: Survival Test

Start from the beginning

Katsumi pov.

All of a sudden dad starts laughing. "Hey, what's so funny, Sensei." Sakura said blushing a little. "Well, if I say this I'm sure you four are going to be suprised." Dad said. "Huh?" Me and Naruto said. "Out of 27 graduates, only nine are going to become Genins. The other 18 will be sent back to the academy. In other words this training is going to be a very hard test with a dropout rate of 66%." He said. I had my eyes wide open and I saw Naruto with the same expression as me. "See? You four are suprised!" "No way! I went through so much trouble... Then what was the final exam for?!" Naruto said. "That? It just picks out those who are qualified to become Genin." Dad said. "What?!" Naruto yelled. "Anyway, I'm going to determine whether you pass or fail tomorrow at the training grounds. Bring your ninja equipment and meet at 5am!" 'I'm not going to get dropped by a thing like this. I have to make him recognize my abilities first, for real!' Naruto determinly thought. 'If I fail this test, I'm going to be separated from Sasuke-kun. This is a trial of love!' 'I don't want to wake up in the early in the morning! I might end up bumping into uncle Guy and he might end up making me eat and carrying me there!' I shaked off the feeling of throwing up the whole morning from uncle Guy. Dad came up to me and picked me up like a kid holding its bear, he walked back to the railing and said. "Now then, meeting over. Ah, yeah don't eat breakfast. You're going to throw up if you do." He said. After that dad jumped off the building and started walking back home with me still in his arms.

Time skip-

Beep! Beep! Bee-

I turned off my alarm that was set for 7 o'clock and was going to go back to sleep but instead got water thrown on my face. I sat up and glared at the person who did it. "Why did you do that?" I asked tiredly. "Don't you need to go somewhere." Dad said. "No." I said going under my covers. They got pulled off and I ended up on the floor. "Fine... I'll leave geez." I said walking to the bathroom and did my morning routine. After my routine I went downstairs and left my house.
When I was heading to the training grounds I saw a blob of green coming at me in full speed. "Oh no... It came true." I said out loud. "Katsumi my youthful niece!!! I heard you were going to do a survival test, so I thought I would give you a youthful full course meal!!" He said. "Uh... I'm okay really." I said trying to convince him. "Nonsense let's go!!" So he picked me up and ran to his house were there was food every where in the table. "Katsumi let's have an eating competition." He said with fire in his his. "Sigh. Okay." I said regretting my decision already. So uncle Guy and I started chowing down the only thing on the table that was filled with it. Ramen. Since Guy was to busy eating I pulled down my mask and started eating as well.

Half an hour later-

"I can't... Go on.." I said since I feel like I'm going to explode. "I win!! Youth never fails!! Now let's take you to the training grounds." He said doing his thumbs up pose. "Okay." I said with tears coming down my face since I knew this will be the end of me. So we left with him running at full speed. While I'm trying hold in my vomit and not throw up on him.

Training grounds-

When we were close enough and I saw my dad was here earlier than me uncle Guy threw me in the air but not before calling my dad. "See you later my youthful niece and rival!!" He said before leaving in a blur. I knocked out and I'm pretty sure my eyes were just white. "Katsumi are you okay?" Dad asked me. I was going to vomit so I jumped out of his arms and ran to the nearest bush. I pulled down my mask and let out what I've been holding in. I walked back to them and layed down on the ground feeling terrible. "Katsumi are you okay!" Naruto yelled shaking me. "I'm f-fine... don't worry... about me." I said standing up holding in the vomit. "Alright then. Katsumi since you got here late we were about take a bell to pass. As I was saying you can use your shuriken. You won't be able to get this unless you have the will to kill me." Dad said. "But that's to dangerous, Sensei!" Sakura yelled. "Yeah! You can't even dodge that chalk eraser." Naruto said proudly. "In society those who don't have many abiblities tend to complain more. Just ignore the guy with the lowest score. We're going to start after I say "Ready, start". Dad said. I think that struck a nerve for Naruto, seeing how he has a mad face. All of a sudden Naruto attacked him. I felt my eyes widened at how fast Dad had Naruto's hand with the kunai behind his head. I didn't even see dad move. "Don't get so hasty. I didn't say 'start', yet. But, it looks like you have the will to kill me now. Hehe, I think I can finally start liking you four. We're going to start. Ready, start!" Dad said. We all left and I looked back only to see Naruto standing there. 'Naruto... Why don't you use you're mind for a bit' I thought sweat dropping.

Kakashi pov.

'A basic for being a ninja is to conceal his presence and hide.' I thought. Sasuke was in a tree and Sakura was below him in a bush while Katsumi was a few trees from Sasuke. I looked around and saw them hiding good. 'Good, everyone is hidden nicely...' I looked up and saw Naruto there with a smile. "Let's have a match fair and square!" He said. "Hey, aren't you a little weird compared to the rest?" I said. "What's weird is your hair style!" He yelled. "Haha..." I heard quiet laughs and saw Katsumi covering her mouth with her hand to stop them. I smiled but it was soon ruined by Naruto charging at me. I reached for my weapon pouch and saw Naruto stop. "Ninja tatic know-how number one taijustu. I'll teach you that first." I said taking out my book. I saw him look at me weird and said. "What's the matter? Come on and get me." "But, um, um... Why did you take out a book?" He said. "Why? I got curious on how the story is going to develop. Don't worry about it. It's the same whether I read this or not." "I'm going to pound you!" He yelled.

Katsumi pov.

I saw Naruto going in for a punch but only to have it blocked. He went for a round house kick but Dad dodged it by ducking. "Damn it!" I heard Naruto yell. Naruto went for about her punch but he wasn't infront if him anymore but behind him with the hand seal tiger. "Hm, tiger seal..." I muttered under my breath.  "Naruto, run! You're going to die!" I heard Sakura yell. 'I hope she knows she gave away her position...' I thought sweat dropping. "Hidden village of Konoha's secrect taijustu master art...! A  Thousand Years of Pain!" Dad just poked him in the butt and Naruto landed in the water. I saw him go back to reading his book. "Sigh. Maybe I should start thinking of a plan." I thought out loud with my eyes closed and hand under my chin. All of a sudden two shurikens came out of the water and aimed at Dad only to have it caught with his two fingers. I looked towards the water and saw seven Naruto's jump out from it. "Shadow clone Jutsu huh." I said looking at them. I think Dad underestimated Naruto because the Naruto's jumped on his back. Naruto was about to land a punch on him but the one who Naruto hit was Naruto. "Substitution Justsu." I said looking at Naruto fighting his own self saying, "You must be Kakashi-Sensei you smell like old person!" Until they all pooped away leaving a beat up Naruto. I saw a trap and I thought Naruto would be smart enough to tell but looks like I was wrong. "Idiot..." I said looking at him now dangling from the tree. I looked over at Sasuke and saw him reach for his pouch and he threw some kunai and shuriken. My widen to see Dad got hit with the kunai's and shurikens falling to the ground. "Substitution Justu?"

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