Chapter Nine: Let's See Some Action

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"Alright everyone! Those of you who are staying for the game, gather over by Luna. The rest of you, I'm very sorry but the party ends for you now. Due to the odd nature of this particular game, only those who have actively played before are allowed to join us in this special, closed session." Hermione removed the wand from her throat, deactivating the voice projection spell.

All the seventh years who had never participated in the games groaned. They had gotten used to watching the group from the dance floor.

Luna smiled in the corner as the members of the game ambled over to her. They all wore authentic bondage gear, and had varying grins on their faces. Some of them looked warily excited, others just merely looked ravenous.

Ginny, coming to stand next to Luna, scanned the room for Harry. She noticed, with some mild apprehension, that Harry seemed nervous. Why was he nervous? He couldn't have known what they had planned for him and Draco.

Ginny scanned the room for the familiar blonde hair. Speaking of Draco...

"Alright, everyone, let's sit. Remove your wands and place them in the pile." Pansy directed her hand towards a small pile by the wall, where all the girls (excluding Hermione) had placed their wands. The groups slowly placed all their wands on the pile and made a loose circle in the corner of the room.

All the girls noticed that Harry chose a seat with his back leaning against the wall, facing the door.

As the entire group settled into nervous silence, Hermione came back from the doorway, having placed further deterrent spells on the portrait way to keep out any unwanted guests. Hermione smiled at the group and waved her wand.

A smattering of gold dusk fell out in an arc, covering the entire circle.

"This dust is an enchantment." She said, somewhat huskily. Ginny, who was sitting next to Blaise, noticed that his chest had begun to rumble.

"It not only binds you to the unofficial magical contract that you took part in by joining tonight's game-" She looked around the room. "It also releases your inhibitions, so that all of us" Blaise rumbled louder. "Can enjoy the game to its fullest—

Blaise growled.

"Potential." Hermione whispered. The group looked on at the couple, gaping. Apparently, Blaise and Hermione were an item.

"Now," Ginny said as Hermione sat down on the other side of Blaise. "Did anyone bring any toys?" She smirked as several of the people blushed. They all rummaged through their clothes, dragging out items from the magically enlarged pockets in their clothing.

Ron brought a can of strawberry-flavored whipped cream.

Lavender brought black satin ribbon. At the revealing of this particular offering, the committee locked eyes over the circle and grinned. Harry noticed this and gulped.

Seamus brought out a case of firewhiskey. At Hermione's raised eyebrow, he added defensively, "What? Firewhiskey has lots of uses..."

Parvati pulled out a rather large dildo, which she placed on the pile with a blush of embarrassment. All the girls sighed at the size, and the boys whistled in appreciation.

Goyle pulled out a jar of lube. Nobody questioned why he had it.

Dean pulled out a pair of leather gloves. Ginny blushed profusely, and the circle all snickered softly. Apparently Ginny was intimately familiar with that kind of game.

After all of the toys had been placed in the circle, Ginny clapped her hands twice. The famed firewhiskey bottle popped into the circle, landing on its side with a small thump. Ginny reached forwards and spun it, grinning at the girls in the committee.

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