Chapter Six: The Rule Sheet

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Hermione made her way to the dungeons, her mind already on the foot long charms essay that was due on Thursday. Harry and Ron were no doubt already in the room, but Hermione had stayed behind to ask Professor Flitwick a couple of questions.

So it was no surprise when she failed to notice a certain Slytherin hiding in an alcove.

Suddenly, Hermione felt herself yanked into a dark alcove, a warm hand placed over her mouth to muffle her scream. She gasped against the hand when she felt the hard body behind her, and immediately Hermione's skin shivered in pleasure.

"Hello, Hermione." Hermione's eyes widened at the deep voice of Blaise Zabini. She relaxed unconsciously in his grip, and Blaise chuckled darkly.

"I must say, your performance at the last party was rather....intriguing." Hermione's eyes rolled back into her head as Blaise's hand on her waist began to travel upward, causing shivers of pleasure to snake up Hermione's spine. Her breathy moan was muffled by his hand.

He began to caress her torso, reaching up to grasp the edge of her bra, and snaked a dark finger up to touch the delicate skin.

Hermione moaned so loud that Blaise whispered a silencing charm on the alcove, and pushed her even harder against his body. Hermione ground her butt against him, and smiled against his hand as Blaise groaned in response.

Hermione licked the inside of Blaise's hand, and he let go, chuckling softly. Hermione turned around and sought his mouth. He gave it to her, crushing her soft, pliable lips with his unrelenting ones. Hermione melted in his grasp.

Blaise shoved a leg between Hermione's, which pushed her short, plaid school skirt to ride up her thighs, and began to rub back and forth. Hermione gasped at the friction. It was just short of what she wanted, and she ground down harder. Her laughed again, a deep, masculine laugh that gave Hermione chills.

"Do you want me, Hermione?"

Hermione nodded vigorously, intent on getting Blaise's hands to grab her breasts harder. He complied, and smiled against her lips when she writhed at his touch. He took away one of his hands, and Hermione whimpered.

"Hold on, baby. I think you'll like this better." Hermione shivered and attacked Blaise's throat, biting it softly.

Blaise smiled. When he had first thought of trapping her in the alcove, he had envisioned a different outcome. He had imagined Hermione to be reluctant, and gentle, but this side of Hermione was better. Much better.

He found the hem of her panties with his left hand, and coaxed the black material aside. Her underwear was soaked, and Blaise groaned. God, he thought.

He sunk one finger into her moist heat, and ground his erection harder against her other thigh in reaction. She was so wet. Hermione gave a soft cry, and ground herself further down on Blaise's fingers.

"More, baby?"

"God, Blaise, hell yes." She breathed. He plunged two more fingers in her at once, causing her muscles to clench violently around him in the pleasure-filled pain. He began to pump his three fingers in and out, causing her breathing to elevate. His erection was straining against his pants, but he was determined to finish her first. Blaise smirked at the writhing girl in his arms. Hermione Granger, the sex goddess. Who knew.

Hermione was in heaven. Blaise was doing delicious things with his fingers, curling them on their way out of her body. Her orgasm was building, and she gasped at the near-ecstasy. Blaise's lips found her own again, effectively silencing her soft screams.

His tongue moved in time with his fingers, both thrusting in and out at a furious rate. Hermione's nerves were on fire, but at that moment she didn't care.

Blaise added four fingers, and Hermione came a mere three thrusts later. She screamed as she came, clenching down on Blaise's fingers with a vengeance. Blaise sucked in a violent breath as her orgasm caused him to come, just by the feel of it. He closed his eyes and gave in the feeling.

After both students came down from their mutual high, they smirked at eachother.

"Again?" Hermione whispered seductively.

"When?" Blaise answered, his eyes dilating at the prospect of taking Hermione again.

"Tonight." Hermione whispered.

"After curfew?"


Blaise smirked at Hermione and left, casting a cleaning charm on them both as he did.


It was a week until the Gryffindor party, and the seventh years were in an uproar. The planning committee (the girls) had already posted up signs in the four respective house common rooms giving the rules of the next game.

The rules were as follows:

There are no restrictions on dares.

Any question is fair game in truth scenarios.

The strip tease clause will be in effect.

No game participants are allowed to wear more than one jacket or layer of pants in an attempt to avoid the striptease clause.

People who are against voyeurism will be asked to refrain from participating in the game.

All people planning on participating the game must come to the party dressed in bondage gear. See Hermione Granger for approval in your choice of outfit.

The term 'bondage gear' means that all clothing must be limited to black leather, straps, fish netting, and chains/whips etc. All other clothing will be forcibly removed at the start of the game.

Any students with access to sexual toys are asked to bring them.

Whip cream is encouraged.

No sadistic toys will be allowed.

The signs were charmed so that the staff and younger students read the rules as follows:

The game for the Gryffindor party is going to be Apples to Apples, the muggle game.

Any student who does not know the rules will be given the rules upon arrival.

All students must be properly covered as is dictated by the Hogwarts school dress code.

No exceptions to rule #3.

There will be NO inappropriate conduct. All students found to be violating this rule will be asked to leave.

The dress theme for the party is Favorite Disney Character. Feel free to ask Hermione Granger for a list of available characters.

See Pansy Parkinson for an explanation as to what would constitute a proper Disney costume.

Any students who are in possession of movies are asked to bring them for the movie night that will be happening alongside the game.

Food is also encouraged.

No illegal substances are allowed.

Harry looked at the secret list hiding under the charm Hermione had placed, and smirked. It looked like the girls were upping the stakes, and were hoping to trap him and Draco in their snare.

Harry could only imagine their faces when they witnessed what he and Draco had planned

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