Chapter Five: The Boys Figure it Out Part Two

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Harry opened his eyes only to find Draco Malfoy's onyx gray ones staring back at him. He gave a small gasp, and Draco hastily backed up.

"...I-I was just checking to make sure that you weren't asleep..." Draco's voice was hesitant, and Harry found himself blushing at the awkward situation.

"No, I was just resting my eyes. Don't worry about it. ...Are you here for food, too?" Harry looked down at his pajamas, which consisted of just a pair of old black and red plaid boxer shorts, and idly wished that he had worn better clothes.

Draco seemed embarrassed. He fidgeted with his hair, and looked off in the direction of the kitchens, where various pots and pans were rattling around, and a couple curses as an added spice.

"Yeah...I find cooking helps me think. I couldn't go to sleep, so I just wandered down, because occasionally Dobby lets me cook some food..." Draco trailed off as he realized he was babbling, and he blushed when he caught Harry's eyes.

Harry widened his green eyes in mild shock. Draco cooked?

Well, it shouldn't have been much of a surprise, really. Harry vaguely remembered Pansy coming into the Gryffindor common room with cookies, saying proudly how she had made them with Draco. Harry had just assumed then that Pansy had made the cookies, and Draco had just been in the room. But now that he thought about it...Pansy couldn't cook. She had visited the Burrow over the summer, and Mrs. Weasley had had to kick her out of the kitchen because she had ruined the dessert.

But still...

Draco Malfoy...The Chef.

Harry smiled at Draco, and Draco gave him a mild smile in return.

"It suits you." Harry scooted up in the armchair and gestured to the one next to him. "Do you want to sit down?"

"No...thank you. I was actually going to go into the kitchens." Draco glanced in the direction of the kitchens, and Harry was glad that he missed Harry's blush. "Do you want to help me make something?"

Harry looked up at Draco in surprise. Draco, taking the surprise as a no, began to babble.

"I mean, you don't have to, but it might help you fall asleep, or whatever it is you're trying to do..." Harry found himself watching Draco's lips as he talked, and remembering the feel of his lips on his own. Harry licked his lips, and Draco's eyes followed the motion.

"You know what? I think it might help me think, too." Harry got up from his armchair and followed Draco into the kitchens.

The kitchens were massive. Only a couple elves were managing the fires and the ovens, but the area was large enough to house dozens of elves. For the first time, Harry fully appreciated the work and effort that went behind the meals that magically appeared in the Great Hall.

"Master Harry, sir! You are with Master Draco!"

"How many times have I told you-" Draco and Harry both stopped talking at the same time.

"Does he call you 'master' too? I keep telling him to stop that..." Harry trailed off as he found Draco smiling at him.

"Yeah, he says it all the time. I always tell him to just call me Draco, but I don't think he can."

Harry smiled at Draco. Maybe they did have a few things in common after all. What a scary thought, Harry mused.

"Does Master Draco wish to cook this evening?" Dobby snapped his fingers, and one of the nearby kitchen stations flared to life.

"Yes Dobby, if it's not too much trouble." Draco's eyes were already fixated on the kitchen station, and Harry chuckled. Draco looked at him quizzically. "What?" He asked.

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