Chapter One: The Ravenclaw Party

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A/N: Hey everyone, if you've read one of my stories before, welcome back! If not, then I hope you like my writing xD This story is an idea that spun off of a story I read on , and I'm sad to say that that story has vanished, so I made a story that is completely different yet based off of the same game. Because all the characters involved know the game, its not explained very well, so think of it as Truth or Dare, but to determine the players they spin a bottle, like the game Spin the Bottle. Anyways, enjoy the smutty goodness xD

P.S. this is OC, because Voldemort (in this story) was defeated between the 6th and 7th year of Harry's time at Hogwarts.

WARNINGS: m/m slash, possible f/f slash, Voy, Toys, graphic situations, and language.

DISCLAMER: I do not own anything at all in this story, I've just merely rearranged them in situations. I do not make any profit off of this story.

It was the final year at Hogwarts for our favorite group of students, save for Ginny. At the beginning of the year, a truce was made between all of the houses, because after Voldemort was vanquished, there was no reason for any rivalry between the students.

Inner house unity had sprung up, causing many relationships to grow, the most surprising of them being Ron Weasley and Pansy Parkinson, who were now an item. In fact, the only people who had not moved on from the wartime mentality were Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy. They were civil, but just barely, and this was on the insisting of their friends, who were all a close-knit group since the hooking up of Ron and Pansy.

The best thing that had happened because of this unity was the parties that began to ensue between the houses. Ginny, Pansy, Hermione, Susan, and Luna had all gotten together at the beginning of the year and had organized a plan.

This plan was to have a party every month, and have the location rotate between the four houses. The parties were always supplied with adequate drink and dancing, so naturally these became the most looked forward to event of the month.

"Harry, mate, come on! We're going to be late for the party!" Ron exclaimed from the doorway of the dormitory. "I know you're gay and all, but that doesn't mean you can take as long as Malfoy to get your hair ready!"

"Coming, Ron!" Harry said from the mirror. Sighing, he decided that his hair was the best it was going to look, and made his way to the stairs. Ron was tapping his foot impatiently. "And I do NOT take as long as Malfoy."

"Whatever, mate." Ron said, laughing. Ron knew that in fact, Draco and Harry took the same amount of time on their hair, but this was only because of what he had heard from Pansy. Harry and Draco were a lot more alike than they realized.

Harry and Ron made their way to the Ravenclaw dormitories, located in a tower on the opposite side of the castle. This was the first party to happen in Ravenclaw, and Harry wasn't looking forward to it. The Ravenclaws were the study students, and Harry doubted that much would be happening tonight. One of the rules of the party was that the host house led the traditional game of wizard's truth or dare, and that meant that they cast the original rules. The best games were played in the Slytherin dormitories, because in Slytherin truth or dare there were no rules. Harry liked no rules.

They had reached the portrait, which was a raven holding a scroll.

"Why is a raven like a writing desk?" It asked in a squawky voice.

"No idea." Harry said, puzzled.

"Correct! You may enter." The portrait swung open.

"What kind of password is that?" Ron mumbled.

"I heard that!" The raven screeched. Ron grimaced and hurried into the Ravenclaw common room, done in the predictable blue and black hues. The makeshift bar was to the left, and all of the furniture had been magically reduced and placed in the corner, leaving the huge, cavernous room bare for the DJ center, dance floor, and the open area left for the game. Harry smirked. Hopefully this game would be productive.

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