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Lillie's POV

It felt great being back home at my apartment I shared with Ashley in New York. I had a chance to actually relax with all this baby stuff, but it's only been 4 days.

I haven't heard from Duff at all. Not that I actually care, I want to take care of this baby myself. I can't have a drunk around a child.

But all those thought go around in my head. What is when he or she grows up, they ask who their father is, or why they don't have one, or why we live in a small apartment in New York City.

I just feel bad. But it's so much worse having an alcoholic around a kid. I've heard too many stories, I haven't even been with Duff that long, what if he becomes abusive, he starts drinking even more.

I don't know what I'm going to do. But I have lots of time to think.

"Lillie?" My thoughts were interrupted by Ashley.

"Oh, um, yea?"

"Are you alright?" She asked concerned, taking a seat beside me on the plush red couch.

"I don't know. Ashley, what am I going to do when the kid grows up and asks about their father? I just don't know what to do."

I felt tears begin in my eyes. I do know I have to be strong, but the last thing I told myself I'd ever do was get pregnant with some jerk I've dated for a while.

"Oh sweetheart, you have so much time to figure this out, and you have me to get through it with you. Who knows what will happen."

"Thanks Ash. But I miss Duff, even though we hadn't stopped fighting or he was a druggie, I miss Izzy and I didn't even tell him I left! I miss Steven too, and Slash and Axl. What have I done?"

"You should call izz--" Ashley was interrupted when the phone rang.

She got up to answer it and less than twenty seconds later she handed it to me.

"Um, hello?" I muttered, trying not to sound like I've been crying.

"Lillie, its Slash."

I just stayed silent.

"Listen, Duff told us what happened. He's fucking destroying himself, and its worse from when you guys were fighting. Izzy had no idea you left either, and he wants to slit Duff's throat for all of this."

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. Get Duff help, I know that's shitty to say but he obviously doesn't love me enough to come back. Tell him to forget me. And with Izzy..." I paused. "I'll deal with that."

"Okay Lillie, good luck."

I hung up the phone without saying thank you, or goodbye and typed Izzy's number in as quick as possible.

It rang a few times, then his raspy voice took over the noise in my ears. I instantly smiled.

"Izzy? It's Lillie."

"Lillie, oh my god. Why the fuck didn't you tell me you left, why didn't you tell me you were pregnant? I could've helped you deal with this! I want to punch the shit out of Duff MckfuckingKagan."

He kept on going on, and all I had to do was listen, until I was back in tears.

"Oh no, Lillie don't cry. I'm out of the band I'm coming to see you."

I said okay, my goodbyes and hung up. What the fuck am I going to do.

A/N WHOAH I FUCKING UPDATED! I'm so sorry honestly but I'm no longer on writers block!

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