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Lillie's POV

"So what'd you guys do?!" Steven asked, all excited.

"We just went out for ice cream, calm down Popcorn." Duff replied.

"Did you have fun?" Izzy whispered beside me.

"Yea I really did, thanks Izz for pushing this on me." I smiled.

He smiled back. "If I was pushing you into this I'm sorry, I just couldn't risk losing you again."

"It was for the better, at that time my only emotion was bitter rage." I laughed.

A few hours later we had arrived to the next stop, Nevada, Las Vegas.

"The only thing I'm in the mood for right now is drinking." Slash started. "I say we hit The Las Vegas Strip and find a club."

"I'm in" I replied.

The rest of the boys agreed and we started the walk down the strip, settling on some wild bar.

I clutched Duff's hand tighter, after a little bit of "practice" I had gotten used to the bars and all the drinking.

I instantly felt out of place, I'm in here wearing jeans and a Led Zeppelin T-shirt, at least I don't look like a slut.

"You going to be okay?" I heard Ashley whisper into my ear.


"Why don't we get a table and we can sit here and drink, that way we don't have to interact with horny, drunk perverts."

"I'm down, but the last time we went to one of these Du--"

"Don't think about that, he said you could trust him, he was too shit faced, just keep and eye on him that's all."

I nodded in agreement and I followed Ashley to a booth.

"What can I get you two lovely ladies today?" A 25 year old looking man asked.

"I'll take a Jack." I smiled.

Ashley ordered her usual martini, the drink suits her.

"How's your relationship with Slash?" I asked totally out of the blue, all the commotion in my brain lately has made me totally forget they were even a thing in the first place.

"Oh it's good, kind of tough dating a rockstar but it's good." She replied.

"I know how you feel."

It's not the fact that they have plans all the time like concerts and booking concerts and recording, it's the drugs, the alcohol and the fact that chicks can't keep their hand off of them.

"You're anxious." Ashley said breaking the silence, I turned my head away from Duff who was talking to Izzy.

"Uh, no I'm not."

"Lil, your left leg is bouncing uncontrollably and you're tapping your fingers on your glass, you're anxious."

"I hate how you know me so well."

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