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Little bit of course language just to warn you lmao.

I shuffled back and forth in Izzy's room.

I asked Ashley and Steven to give me a few minutes to think as I was still trying to cope with whatever the fuck just happened.

What am I supposed to say to Duff?

Tears ran down my face, I was trying not to make any noise but the tears just kept coming in faster.

"You okay in there Hun?" I heard Ashley politely ask.

"Um, yea I am, thanks Ash." I replied as I began to wipe the water from underneath my eyes.

The only light in the room was from the glowing moon outside, the darkness also helps me cope.

"Can I come in now?" She asked.

I really just wanted to be alone but I don't want her to get offended so I leaped to unlock the door and let her in.

As soon as she saw me she gave me a tight hug, I coughed a little bit to let her know she was sucking the air right out of me.

"Oh, sorry. Thanks for letting me in, they are yelling like crazy in there."

I began to cry again. Duff is a backstabbing fucking asshole. "W-what did you do to the bitch he was fucking?"

"Grabbed her by the hair and threw her out."

An evil sort of smile crept onto my face.

Ashley let out a chuckle.

"Listen Ashley I'm really sorry if you've been feeling left out lately, I know I've been focusing on Izzy and Duff a lot."

"Hey, Hun don't worry about it, it's been a long time since you've seen Izzy."

"I know, and I don't want to have to leave him again." I sighed as I turned to face the window, looking away from Ashley.

"What do you mean 'You don't want to have to leave Izzy.'" She air quoted.

"Ashley, I have to leave. Do you understand how awkward this is going to make things? Do you know how hard it is to look at his gorgeous face everyday knowing I'm not good enough for him?"

As I turned to look at Ashley her face almost looked sorry...but also a little bit like what I was saying was excessive.

"Ashley you don't understand."

"What the fuck do you mean I don't understand?!"

"Have any of your boyfriends ever cheated on you? One that was in your brothers band? Feeling like you have to leave your brother and your new best friends behind?"

She just stayed silent.



izzy's sister ☽ duff mckagan [on hold]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum