Chapter 2

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    "Hey, Penelope, wait up!!", Lucille exclaimed. Lucille was raising their arm while running, like a Japanese school girl in an anime. Penelope was listening to music, while looking off of the side of the boat. The wind was blowing in her face, but it wasn't like the movies. Her hair was obnoxiously flying in her face, but she finally decided to get over it. Lucille idolized her, though, and thought anything she did was beautiful. "Is everything okay?", Lucille asked, extremely worried (as they always were with everyone but them). "No, I'm dying.", Penelope said sarcastically, "I'm fine, Lucy." Lucille blushed, embarrassed, "Okay, good." 

    Maya and Zelda were sitting together, while Zelda was drawing Maya's portrait. "It's hard to capture your beauty. There's just too much.", Zelda chuckled. "Oh, shut up, Zelda." Maya smiled, looking down. "Well, I mean, it's very true.", Zelda stated, lightly and playfully pushing Maya.       "Oh, just kiss already!" Toby had been sitting in the corner, putting his hands in the water and, of course, listening to them. Maya and Zelda had been together for about a year now, and Toby always thought they were adorable and even called them 'The Next Ruby and Sapphire'. They both abruptly paused for a minute and stared at Toby. "...Toby? How long have you been there for?", Zelda asked, extremely irritated. Maya was askew to this whole situation and only sat there, very confused.

    Meanwhile, Lucille and Penelope were discussing several different nerdy topics. "I still think Sailor Mercury is cute!", Penelope stated excitedly. "I do too!", Lucille said, without barely even knowing who Penelope was talking about. Lucille always reached for attention and approval from Penelope. "But you haven't even seen Sailor Moon?" "Of course I have!", Lucille exclaimed reluctantly. At this time, Sam was approaching them both. "Lucille! I need your help!", Sam exclaimed. Lucille sighed instantly with relief. "Thank you...", they mumbled under their breath. "What do ya need, buddy?", they asked. "It looks like it's going to storm!", he said shaken. "It's alright, we just need to go inside.", they stated, patting his head.

    "Everyone inside, it looks like it's going to rain!", Sam yelled. Everyone started heading towards the door, except for Penelope, who had her earbuds in still. Lucille took the liberty of dragging her inside, as Penelope grunted in disgust, because she was relaxing and did not want to be disturbed. Once inside, it started to rain. Sam was terrified, so he huddled close to Lucille, but they didn't want to be bothered, so they pushed him away. Sam frowned, then continued to pout. Lucille was not bothered by him this time, as they proceeded to hug Penelope, as if they were afraid. Penelope was bothered by this. "What are you doing?", she questioned, sounding slightly aggravated. "I'm scared of the rain...", Lucille spoke, even though they knew they were lying. "What. A. Baby.", Penelope said. Lucille frowned and decided it was about time to back off, so they walked over to Zelda and Maya, who were obviously already busy enough talking to each other. "You're so cute.", Zelda said, while smiling widely. "That's gay.", said Maya. "You're gay." "I'm gayer than you!" They both laughed. "I know, I know."

The rain was pouring down by now, and the boat started rocking. "Woah!", many of them exclaimed at once. "It's like its raining cats out there!", Zelda stated. "What about dogs?", Maya questioned as she lifted an eyebrow. "That too." The boat now felt as if it was going to fall over. "Listen, narrator.", Penelope began, "Could you please tone down your dramatic scenery just a bit? The boat is not going to fall over." Penelope did not realize that the amazing narrator was not being too dramatic, as the boat, along with everyone else, was now moving quite roughly. "Ooh, nice going Penelope!", Lucille yelled from across the room. 

Zelda lost consciousness, and fell over. Maya held her, as she got very worried. "Oh. My. God.", Toby exclaimed, "Finally you guys hug!" "Toby, that's not the point right now!", Maya yelled angrily, pushing him over. A rough blow of wind knocked the boat over, along with everything in the boat. Sam was forced to wear floaties constantly, because of his sister's fear of losing him. They were the only ones of the group who didn't really have their families around often, and had even lost their mother in a car accident nearly a year ago. Lucille had plenty of breakdowns because of this, as she was there to witness it. The rest of them were struggling to swim, but Maya was having trouble swimming, because she had to hold on to Zelda, who was unconscious. 

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