It's rare, yet the scariest thing. As an agent, going off the grid was the worst and terrifying thing ever. You aren't safe at all. No connects at all. No one to help you. Imagine Ally being in that position.

Of course, it's never happened because no one has ever to kidnapped her and got away with it. Ally's surrounded by some sort of spy or agent 24/7. Did you actually think he was leaving for 3 months without having his wife protected? Hilarious.

Austin takes a seat in his chair and types in something on the huge screen. Soon, there are five faces that belong to his team on his screen. They were all working, so they don't notice him.

"Hey, guys."

His first ever partner, and girlfriend even, looks up from a file. She stares at the screen first and grins, seeing her best friend. "Aw, look who decided to finally chat us after many missed calls."

The rest of his team looks to the computer and smiles also, not seeing their leader in months. They all gather around the screen and he scoots back, the screen being huge.

This team included Eleanor, a weapon master and very ex girlfriend. Then, Matthew, scary great with bombs and explosives. Next, Tom, a technology nerd. Finally there was Sierra, all brains and beauty.

This is the team Austin has basically grew up with. When he was just a new agent, these were his trainers. We worked together very well, so they sent us on a bunch of jobs together. Soon, we were grant the wish of being an office group. Force A, the most powerful agents and spies in the world. At this point, they pretty much ran the company because they call the spots for everything, but the company doesn't like admitting so.

"Are you at home?" Matthew asks, examining the room. "Aren't you supposed to be training the newbies?"

"Please, I gave up on that. They run away from punches; they weren't meant to join this agency. I got Rob on it," Austin sighs, leaning back in his chair. "Right now, I have a job of being a husband..."

Eleanor comes in front of the screen, raising an eyebrow. "You sighed. What's going on? Anything wrong with you and Ally?"

"No, it's just..." he sighs, taking a deep breath. Austin closes his eyes for a moment, letting it process once again. He finally blurts to his friends, "Ally's pregnant."

There's a pause of silence and Sierra is the one to break it. "... Why's that a bad thing? Pregnancy actually makes women 30% happier, knowing they're bringing a life into the world."

"Yeah, why's is bad?" Tom asks, chuckling with confusion. "You've always wanted a family with Ally."

"I know, and I never said it was a bad thing... it just scares me. I mean, if someone lays a hand on that child, they'll basically have me at my knees." Austin sighs, shaking his head.

"No one's ever taken Ally, why are you so worried about your child?"

"My child will be a newborn that is so fragile and can't protect itself or even scream. I can't imagine something happening like that."

"Why don't you just enjoy your few months of blissful pregnancy then. We'll handle all protection, you know that. Ally and your baby will be fine," Eleanor smiles comforting. "Coming from your crazy ex, I won't let anyone lay their hand on that baby's head."

Austin laughs and nods at all of them, grinning. "You're right. Thank you guys."

Just as he finishes thanking them, Ally peeks her head in the room, saying, "I was gonna head to the grocery store. Did you want..." she trails off, seeing the four spies on the screen. "Oh, hi."

"Don't be shy," Eleanor giggles. "I want to see your beautiful body before it's occupied with a child."

Ally smiles a bit and looks at Austin, not knowing he told them yet. She walks into the room shyly, still not used to his friends after all these years.

"How far are you? Couple weeks?" Tom asks, grinning.

Ally nods, resting her hand on her flat stomach. "Uh, yeah. I just found out a couple of days ago."

"During pregnancy, you feel a lot happier. It might not feel like it, but you're bringing a brand new human into the world." Sierra repeats from before, making Ally grin just a bit.

Austin grabs her waist and pulls her over to him, smiling. "I feel happier already." A grin forms upon his lips, making her giggle with happiness.

"I was referring to the woman, but whatever floats your boat."

"I feel like a proud dad," Matthew says grinning. "Anyway, we'll let you guys go. We have to go back to filing."

"Bye guys!" They all chorus, waving.


Austin clicks off the chat and pulls Ally in his lap in his chair. "I'm really excited for our child."

Ally smiles and leans forward to kiss him for a moment. "Great."

"It's so weird knowing there's, like, a new human forming inside of you." Austin chuckles, raising her shirt and rubbing her stomach with his thumb.

Ally laughs but nods. "A whole new life that we created."

"That's the best part."


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