"Hey I forgot to inform you its Shivani's birthday today. I called her last night and wished her on your behalf too" I remembered that now.

"Oh really. I tots forgot about that Ish. I'll give her a call myself. Thanks for reminding though" She went back to her room.

It was after I placed the food in the table Kath came out wearing a full sleeved shirt and jeans with her hair combed. I took her look by surprise.

"Smells good" She hummed as she helped herself with food.

"Going somewhere?" I asked her gulping down my pasta not realizing how hungry I am still now. My tongue burned as I drank half of my milk.

"Yeah. I am not going sit in my room thinking about anything. So its your choice now. Pick anywhere we can go" That was surprising. Kath never let me pick the places before.

"If you are so sure. My book collections are getting pretty scanty and I was thinking to give a visit to a book shop " I replied to her.

"Ok then we'll go. Get ready. Book shops means nerdy guys. Fine but I am not going to be picky anymore." She hummed as she switched on the tv to watch telly.

"You never change Kath"

I picked fast since I am not sure how much big her heart is to take me to a book shop. After wearing a pale purple t-shirt which hugged my body perfectly with slim jeans and shoes I wrapped my hair in one side and braided it. Grabbing my brown jacket and wallet on the way I went to meet Kath who was already waiting for me near the door.

"Shall we?" I asked as I slipped onto my favorite shoes.

"Yeah. So are we going to the same shop we went Friday?" Kath asked me.

"No that one doesn't have my collection of books. I noticed one while we came here the first morning on the west on our apartment. We'll try there" I informed her as we started to walk in that direction.

It was when we were walking silently I took in her sad face. She doesn't deserve this sadness.

"You know what Kath? I never wanted any of this to happen. But you were crazy about him that too within a week. And he was not right for you. I could see how happy you were. But I can't let my best friend get hurt. If only he would have been the right guy. I.." I couldn't complete but Kath smiled at me.

"What I would have done without you? Yeah I am hurt. But I feel glad that it happened so soon rather than late. It would have been worse. And I cant thank you enough for that. I dont know how hard it was for you to get those evidences. Thanks a lot Ish" She smiled.

"We are best friends forever Kath. What is there to thank? And I had help" My face lifted.

"Is it so?" She was interested now.

"Yeah Zoe helped me. She borrowed those from her brother" My cheeks flushed as I thought about the talk with her brother.

"Oh. But why are you blushing? Are you in love with Zoe?" Kath broke off laughing.

"Shut up. No its her brother. He's weird you know." I replied to her.

"Have you met him?" She asked me as we turned around a corner and I zipped up my jacket because of the wind.


"Wonder how he will look though" I replied.

"Aww. Do you have a crush?" Her words stung me. Shit am I? Already I had a lot in my plate. I am here to study not to drool over any stranger or my arrogant professor.

Why in the world am I thinking about him now? Ugh..life sucks.

"No Kath. I am not" And the rest of the walk went with Kath teasing the hell out of me.

We found the book shop after walking nearly twenty minutes. Good gracious we bought our jackets since it was freezing like hell here. But we both are used to cool climate since it had been the same in London last year.

"Oh. They have a collection of CD's too. I'll be over there" She left me to search alone as she scanned the CD area. This shop looked really neat and big than it looked out. It had different racks in the name of different authors. It felt like my own personal space. My heart rejoiced at the scene in front of me. Nothing makes me happier than a good book.

Soon I started from the front rack and moved inwards to a different room which even had cubes to sit and read books. Wow I am really liking this place.

I didn't realize my hand aching because of the books I am holding for a long time. I had more than ten books in my hand. And my mind wanted to scan the whole store now itself. It was when I stood gawking at the collections of Jane Austen my eyes fell over the collections of Agatha Christie on the back rack. Without realizing I started to move backwards only to bump someone and lose all the books in my hand because of the crash.

Oh no. I am very bad in bumping onto people nowadays. With my best puppy dog look I turned to find the person towering over me.

Come on.. Not again..

My philosophy professor..

"You?" He yelled at me as I hung my head down. I am not going to fight with him again. Its completely my fault this time.

"I am sorry. I dint see backwards" I mumbled an apology.

"Well you should. Tell me something Ms.Karthick"this made me look at him again. The way he said my name as if ha had practiced it for so long. His blue eyes looking at me, no glaring at me. But he looked nothing less than a greek god even in this state.

"Do you have an habbit of falling over people often? And it makes me wonder maybe you are doing it intentionally" He raised his voice as his eyes bore into mine. Ouch that hurts and stung my heart. But I chose not to reply anything for his comment. Anything I say will result in a fight between us. And I don't want that. I already have a very bad image in his mind.

"I am sorry" Was all I said but it came as a whisper since my throat got dry because of the emotions. I bent down to pick my books since staring at his eyes do me no good.

It was when I was picking the last book he too knelt in front of me and picked it for me. I couldn't believe my own eyes. Is he helping me?

I looked into his eyes to see that all his anger had vanished and there was something magical and glittering in his eyes. He bought his face closer to mine as placed the book in my hand.

Shit is that my heart beat. Oh stupid heart stop making such a fuss over a guy looking at you. He's not worth it. I told myself repeatedly as my previous encounters with him came flashing.

I stood up breaking the trance and swiftly crossed the room. I paid the bill soon and grabbed Kath with one hand never daring to look back.

He is my professor and having feelings for him will make my career worse. And I don't want that to happen. Especially when he hates me so much.

Does he?


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