Chapter Two

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A/N I know I jumped through time a bit but it was going to be so fucking boring you don't even know. I seriously wrote it all out and was like fuck that's 30 minutes wasted. So now I'm starting again.

As I'm unpacking my clothes into this room my phone jumps on the bedside table. Oh shit it's 6:30 better get this over with. I walk into the living room/dining room/kitchen open plan thingy and Julian is nowhere to be seen so I knock on his door and say, 'Julian you in there?' No reply. I go into the study and big whoop there he is.
'Julian, it's 6:30 the time you told me to meet you for dinner. You coming?' I say. Then I realise he can't hear me because he has earbuds in, so I can either do two things right now. One, leave him to realise he's late for dinner or two, take out his earbuds and hopefully scare the shit out of him. As you can imagine because I'm an evil prick I pull his earbuds out of his ears.
'Jesus Christ, don't do that ever again!' Julian says annoyed.
'Well you're the one that's late for dinner.' I say, pleased with his reaction.
'Why are you smiling like that. You didn't really mean to scare me did you?' He says sarcastically.
'Nah mate. I'm going to start eating if you want to join me but like yeah'
'Oh yeah sure I'll be like one minute. Feel free to start.'
'Kay bye.' I say as I exit.

I had a bit of trouble finding the food but then I finally realised it was in the oven being warmed so it wouldn't go cold. I'm so dumb. So I sit down at the table to eat and about 3 minutes later Julian arrives.
'Hi' Julian says.
'Nice of you to join me, great dinner by the way!' I say complimenting his cooking skills.
'Thanks. You pick it up when you have to cook for yourself'
'Cool, um what was it you wanted to go over?'
'Basically the cooking, cleaning and TV rights.'
'Alright then, have you got any plans or...' I said trailing off, not knowing what to say next.
'Yeah actually I've got a few ideas I just need your approval'
'Okay, shoot!'
'So I was thinking that we could cook for each other every other day as in you cook tomorrow and I cook the next day and so on.'
'Okay cool.' I say agreeing.
'So for cleaning... I haven't really come up with anything'
'I have an idea, what if when you cook the other person does the dishes. We swap with the vacuuming and sweeping, I'll start with the vacuuming. For the office I guess just don't make a mess? And for the bathroom we clean up after ourselves.'
'That's a pretty straightforward idea, I guess it could work.' Julian said not wanting to admit it was a fucking awesome idea.
'Yeah, I know. Um, what about TV rights?'
'I guess if you want to watch something just check it with the other person. But every Tuesday at 8 I watch the Great British Bake-Off, you're welcome to watch too if you'd like.'
'Yeah, nah. Watching other people cooking isn't really my thing.'
'Okay so what s your thing?'
'Ahhhh Sherlock, Supernatural, American Horror Story, Grey's Anatomy and Elementary.'
'Really, you like Benedict Cumberbatch?' He says in utter disgust.
'Yeah I do. Butttt he was a bit of a dick in the end of The Fifth Estate. You finished? I gotta do the dishes and your show is on in an hour.' I say looking at my phone for the time.
'Yeah I am done. But what do you mean at the end. He insulted Australians nation-wide with the shit accent he pulled.' Julian said putting his plate in the sink.
'Oh my god, I forgot about that. Lmao that was the worst, I think repressed it.'
'What does lmao mean.' He said as I started to wash the dishes.
'Oh yeah I forgot you're like 40 but basically what it means is Laughing My Ass Off but it doesn't really mean that. It's like when people say lol no one REALLY means it.'
'So they don't really mean Lots Of Love?'
'Stop right there. Don't utter another word this is dangerous territory your walking on.'
'Nah I'm just pulling your leg, I know what lol means, I'm hip. I'm cool'
'You should never say hip again either. I know your generation is into like drugs and shit but it's time to let go.'
'I'll have you know I was born in 1971 so I just missed the 60s sorry to tell you.'
'Yeah I know, you're the same age as my dad,' I say, withdrawing from the conversation, 'But whatever, you're TV show is on soon and I'm done here so I'm going to bow out; goodnight all.'
'Yeah okay night.' Julian says not really paying attention

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