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one-death number one

"Nina?"I call out for my friend, Nina Patterson.

When I get no reply I sigh. I open the door to her house with my spare key.

It took me about two hours to finally find Nina's house. Being new to the area and starting school late isn't a great help. Luckily, I already knew Nina and we became closer friends over the past three days.

Once I reach her garden I see some blood on the floor. I scrunch my nose up and crinkle my eyebrows together.

"Okay so she's on her period,"I gag to myself until I approach her pool.

The only reason I came to her house is because she was ranting to me, over the phone, about Tyler. She sounded so sad and angry so i decided to come visit her and surprise her. Well it's more like me getting the surprise and not a good one.

As I see a body in the pool I step closer warily. When I see that it's Nina I relax until I realise she's floating the wrong way.

"Nina what are you doing?"I ask but I get no reply.

That's when I put all the clues together. Blood on the floor and pool, Nina not replying, floating the wrong way and a massive cut on her back. All of this points to her being dead.

Once I process this information I scream. A strangled scream escapes my throat and I call the police.

"911 what's your emergency?"The lady asks and I carry on crying.

"M-m-m-my friend has been m-m-murdered,"I cry out and I hide behind a tree.

"Okay, please stay calm and hide incase the murderer is still there. What's the address?"The lady asks calmly.

I don't understand how she can be so calm. I've just told her my friend has been murdered and she doesn't seem scared. What happens if it was her family or friend? I'm sure she'd be crying then.

"Hello are you still there?"She asks.

"Yes, sorry. Erm her address is 868 Oakland road,"I reply and my voice cracks here and then.

"Okay! We will be there very soon. Please stay on the line so we know you're okay,"The lady says and I nod but then realise she can't see me nodding.

"O-o-okay,"I stutter and I squeeze my eyes shut trying to get rid of the vivid images.

Once the police finally get here they take me to the station for questioning. I sit on one of the chairs in the station and I hug my knees.

"What's your name?"An officer asks.

"Rachel wilson,"I whisper and he nods.

"Well we think we may know who killed her,"He says and I nod for him to carry on.

"Tyler O'Neill,"The officer says and sits next to me.

"Her ex boyfriend? That can't be, he wouldn't do something like that,"I shake my head vigorously.

"He was sending her texts and it all points to him. We are very sorry,"The officer says and I sigh but nod my head otherwise.

As the officer stands up my mom rushes in. She pulls me into a motherly hug and I break down again.

"She's free to go Miss.Wilson,"Another officer says and my mom nods.

She holds my hand, childish I know but I needed it at this time, and walks me out of the station. Once we reach her car I bite my nails nervously. I know she'll probably soon bombard me with questions.

"Don't worry, I won't ask until tomorrow,"She says and I relax considerably.

Yet those images will still replay in my mind. I thought that'd be the only murder but boy was I wrong.

If you spot any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors please point them out.

Anyways, I feel sorry for my baby, Rachel. She doesn't deserve this sort of pain but it's for the story.

I hope you enjoy and please comment your opinions on this trash of a chapter~Phoebe

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2016 ⏰

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