I looked at myself with the dress in the mirror, it was so pretty, tight and white with lace. I was looking for a dress to wear on Christmas or New year and this one seemed perfect. I turned to the side to see how it looks and suddenly my eyes widened. I stared and my reflection shocked for a few seconds and made sure i wasnt just imagining it. No, definitely it was real. "Shit" i muttered quietly to myself.

"Carla!" I heard sofia knock on the door of the changing room. "Let me see the dress!" She said. I opened the door and pulled her in quickly before i closed it again. "Girl what the hell are you doing?" She laughed "aww that dress looks so pretty on you! You have to buy it!" She smiled
"I cant buy it" i sighed
"What, why not?! It looks so pretty everyone will-"
"Sofia look!" I exclaimed quietly and turned to the side again. She stopped talking and her eyes went wide.
"Oh my god.." She muttered quietly

I sat down on the floor of the changing room and put my head in my hands. "What the hell am i going to do?!" I groaned, i felt like crying. I knew this day was going to come but still i wasnt prepared
"Hey, its okay" sofia said sitting down next to me. She put her arm around me
"I cant believe this is happening" i sighed
"I guess you will have to start to buy more loose clothes" she said
"I know" i said quietly. I felt a little tear fall down my cheek. Sofia wiped it away gently and smiled at me
"But still, buy the dress and wear it for christmas, it will make you feel better" she smiled
"I cant, its too obvious when i wear it and everyone will just stare at me" is sighed
"Okay, so buy it now and you can wear it after you have the baby" she shrugged
"I wont be able to wear it then, i'll be fat and ugly" i groaned
"Not all women get fat and ugly after they have kids, like your mom, she was the most beautiful women i know" she smiled. "im not my mom, im not even half the woman that she was" i muttered. She looked at me sympathetically
"Come on, lets get out of here" she said quietly

I stood up and took off the dress. I dropped it on the floor and put on my clothes. It was December and cold so i was wearing a big jacket so i couldnt see the bump anymore. Sofia looked down at the dress on the floor and smiled to herself. She hid the hanger under the seat and then shoved it into the bottom of her handbag
"Sofia! What the hell?!" I exclaimed quietly
"Shhh!" She said. She picked up the other dresses and left the changing room.
"Are you going to buy anything?" The woman asked
"No, not today" sofia said. She shoved the other dresses into the womans hands and pulled me past her. She pulled me across the store towards the doors. I felt myself become so tense as i saw the security gaurd and the detectors. I held my breath as we walked past. We walked out onto the street and the door closed behind us. I took a deep breath and relaxed. "I cant believe you did that!" I laughed looking at sofia shocked "girl youre crazy!"
"one day you will thank me" she shrugged and we started to walk down the street. "Anyway, everyone in that store is a bitch, im not letting you give money to them" she said

We walked down the street and i felt mysef shiver. Sofia looked at me "you shouldnt be in the cold, come on lets go get food" she said. We walked into a little diner and i looked around. "Seriously? Im cold so you take me into an ice cream store?" I laughed
"In the winter they sell warm things too" she smiled rolling her eyes "anyway, the old lady who owns this place is really nice" she said. We walked over to a booth on the edge of the store and sat down. I rested my head back and thought to myself. I still couldnt believe this was happening, i know god has a plan for everyone but this really isnt what i wanted! I wanted to be in class at medical school right now, not wasting my life and being sad all day.

I came out of my thoughts again and looked at sofia on the other side of the booth. She was looking at me so sympathetically again. "Are you okay?" She asked, obviously already she knew the answer
"I have a baby bump.." I said quietly and shook my head "this shit is really happening, im really pregnant" i sighed. She looked at the ground for a second then looked back at me. "What are you going to do?" She asked
"I need to start telling people, i cant hide it anymore" i sighed
"Who knows already?" She asked
"Only you, my dad, miguel and adriana" i said "still i have to tell all our other friends, and my family too" i said "ah shit my family is going to be so mad" i groaned putting my head into my hands "my grandparents, my aunties and uncles, my cousins, they're all going to think im a little whore"

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