Chapter 19

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To Joybells3 on your birthday, this chapter is for you.

Struck by lightning. That was how she felt. Stunned, ecstatic, petrified. Jack held Ami tight with a vicious grip. As soon as she knew what was going on, she shoved Jack away.

He stumbled a bit, backing into the bed. He frowned.

Ami stood there, hands at the side of her and against the wall for her support. “What just happened?”

Jack stood up and rolled his eyes. “What did it look like?”

“I didn't exactly have a chance to look,” Ami’s big blue eyes bore into Jack's.

He looked away guiltily.

What exactly did happen? she put a hand to her head. Was Jack actually interested in her? Was he interested in putting their past behind and starting a new friendship? She wanted to smile at the thought. Maybe we're getting somewhere. After all, they say that you're your true self when drunk. Please don't be a dream.

Could this be a new beginning? If only he'll stay that way even when the honey mead wears off.

“If you wanted to start over you could have just said so,” Ami offered Jack.

Jack coughed out a laugh(it sounded half between a snort and a choke). “Is that what you thought I was doing?”

“Well, why else-”

“I was only going to kiss you because it was a bet. Madison bet me five hundred sovereigns that I wouldn't be able to kiss you on our wedding night. I bet him I could. Which I did,” a triumphant smile crept up his face, making Ami want to scrape it off using her nails after they had been sharpened, “and when we're back, I'll get my five hundred sovereigns.”

Ami breathed hard and glared at the insolent man, who unfortunately happened to be her husband. “I am done,” Ami wished she could set him on fire by snapping her fingers. Or at least slap his ridiculous face. (To think just a minute ago she believed it to be handsome!) “I am done with you and your stupid tricks! I'm done trying to be nice! And I especially am done trying to be your friend! You never tried to get along, it was always me. Me, me, me. Ami, trying to be nice, Ami trying to start a conversation, Ami trying to be friends but no! Selfish Jack, is a stupid, idiot, pigface who can't tell the tail end of a donkey from the head! You don't even try. You hate me and have no desire to make this work, you don't care if my life is miserable because of you, you just care about yourself and how miserable you will be. It's always about you, isn't it?” she shook her head and banked off slowly. “Prince Jack this, Prince Jack that. Do you even care? Two countries are depending on us and you couldn't care any less.”

She grabbed the skirts of her wedding dress and ran out the door, not bothering to shut it. Teardrops clouded her eyes. Why is this so hard? Why is he so mean? Can't he be nicer like Cedric, the King, Madison or even Lars?

She didn't know if she was shaking from tears or from running so hard. She didn't know where she was going to go and she submitted to the fact that she was probably going to get lost. Worse, Jack would probably look for her and when he finally did find her, he would complain and tell her what a terrible wife she was and that would result in a fight. Their marriage was off to a terrible start.

They still had to face the King and Queen and explain why they had run away and looking at their disappointed faces would be more than Ami could handle. She shook her head and ran faster.

The dark trees surrounded her, and although they looked harmless during the day, at night they turned into menacing figures - or possibly creatures.

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