That's only 25, Justin...

canadian candy 🇨🇦
you can get that d later 😏

Zayn should have definitely seen that coming, but he didn't, therefore, he actually ending up laughing out loud.

In return, he got a very unimpressed look from Mrs.Carmen who towered over him with her hand out, a brow cocked as she tapped her foot.

Zayn grimaced and set the phone on his hand.

She looked down at it and her arched brow rose higher. "This phone is like twice the size of my hand."

"It's an iPhone 6s Plus."

"So it's necessary that they make it as big as a mini tablet?"

Zayn shrugged. "I don't know, ask the Apple company."

She pursed her lips, obviously trying to hold back from rolling her eyes. "You'll get this back at the end of class."

Zayn nodded before she walked away.

He sat back and thought about how hard he was going to punch Justin in the face later.


Zayn wasn't sure what to do with himself when he saw Lucky later that day at lunch. The weekend had been a quiet one for them.

On Friday, he left Justin's house late and told Lucky that he felt too exhausted to come over and Lucky accepted.

He texted him the day after to say that he would come over and Lucky has yet to respond to him. Lucky's ignored him for a day and a half and now he has no idea what to say to him.

Apparently Lucky shared the same feelings because when his eyes landed on Zayn, he gave him an awkward wave and a half-assed smile.

Beside him, Neel's eyes narrowed at Zayn as if he'd just killed a kitten.

Zayn rose his eyebrows and stood awkwardly, in the middle of the lunchroom as he and Lucky continued their stare off.

He was pretty sure he heard Liam call his name from a distance, but was quickly distracted by the fact that Lucky was rising from his seat and making his way over to him.

"Hey." Lucky greeted.


There were many things that made this situation as awkward as it was. One, they were standing in the middle of the cafeteria. Two, Zayn was sure people were staring but he was too scared to find out if it was true. Three, anyone witnessing what was going on here definitely knew about the argument he had with Justin last Friday which meant that they knew why everything between he and Lucky was looking so awkward at the moment.

"Can we talk?" Lucky asked, tone soft. "Somewhere private."

After Zayn nodded, Lucky took his hand and dragged him out of the lunchroom. It was a romantic gesture given their current situation and he heard a few coos.

Zayn's eyes caught Justin's as he walked after Lucky, and Justin gave him a certain look that said something Zayn just couldn't understand.

It didn't matter now that he was out of the lunchroom.

Lucky walked him outside, out onto the empty field. He held Zayn's hand up until they got comfortable on the bleachers, then, reluctantly, it seemed, he let go.

The whistling of the wind was the only sound for a long while.

It seemed like Lucky was trying to find a way to open the conversation they both knew he wanted to have.

The DUFF (Zustin Mieber AU)Where stories live. Discover now