"It was obvious, when I saw you with Donovan that night at the ball," he muttered, his tone bitter, making my heart ache more now.

"It was only sex, Harry-" I paused momentarily, my eyes squeezing shut as I cringed at my own words. They were definitely not making this any better. "I'm sorry, truly. I didn't feel anything for him-"

"Scarlett you don't have to apologize. You were brainwashed or something and had needs. I completely understand," he told me firmly, his hand quickly coming up to cup my cheek. My eyes widened at his words, not exactly expecting him to be so understanding about this. But then again, he may seem understanding on the outside, but on the inside it must really hurt.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered nevertheless, resting my forehead against his. "I would feel awful if I was in your place," I said, my lips forming a sad pout as he sighed, pulling his lips to the side.

"I know, let's just forget about it and move on. What's done is done. You're with me now, not him, and that's what matters," he said, his voice firm. I nodded in response, immediately agreeing with him.

The awkward tension in the air was immediately lifted off of us as I asked Harry to tell me more about the times we were together. It was something I really enjoyed, hearing Harry speak with his green eyes lit up with excitement or amusement or love whenever he talked about our memories. This time he told me about the day it was his birthday, and how I left him to spend the day with Dexter and Louis rather than with him, simply because he never told me it was his birthday.

"I did that?" I grinned with an arch of my brow, when he told me how I got him a cake and presents and hid under the table for him to arrive.

"Well, you said you had help from Dexter and Louis," Harry said with a grin. "So, from what I remember I think you fell asleep under the table waiting for me to arrive. I arrived thinking there was an intruder in our home but then I saw you curled up in a ball, sleeping under the table."

"No way!" I laughed, hand coming up to cover my mouth. "That's so embarrassing!"

"I thought it was cute and really sweet," Harry mumbled shyly, twirling a lock of my hair around his finger.

We had moved closer now, my head resting on his shoulder with an arm wound around his firm torso. Our legs were tangled under the sheets, his arms wrapped loosely around my body as he unconsciously held me closer to him. He continued to talk as my gaze landed on his arm, trailing up to his wrist where I admired his intriguing tattoos.

My brows pulled low when I spotted a single letter tattooed on the corner of his wrist. My fingers wrapped around it, tugging it closer to my face to examine in the tattoo. It was a 'S', my lips parting at the sight of it when I felt myself overcome with emotion. The tattoo of a single word on the side of his finger also caught me eye all of a sudden. My throat tightened when I read the word as 'Always'.

"Scarlett," he whispered, his hand breaking free from my grasp to cup my chin and tilt my head to face him.

His brows furrowed when he saw my pained expression, his hand moving to stroke my cheek lovingly. He tugged my face closer, lips immediately joining mine in a slow and sensual kiss. The heat of his palm warmed my cheek as he moved it to caress my jaw, tangling his fingers into my dark locks. His soft velvety lips made mine tingle, pressing firmly before he parted them, allowing my bottom lip to slot between his ones.

His tongue lazily dragged across my lower lip, making my mouth open for his tongue to enter. Heat flushed through my body when I felt his hot tongue collide with mine, the feeling of it getting me aroused all of a sudden. My leg moved, thigh hooking onto his waist as he turned to lie on his side. I felt the cool metal of his rings touch my warm skin as he gripped my thigh, holding it in place over his sharp hip.

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