Chapter 26 - Afraid

Start from the beginning

"Hey." He whispered, attempting to save his energy.

"How ya feelin'?" I asked.

"Pretty shit." He simply replied whilst smirking slightly. God that smirk is to die for. I walked towards him and carefully sat down close to him on the bed. I suddenly felt shy and unsure of what to do. I looked down and played with my hands which had somehow become the most interesting things in the room. What is this man doing to me? A large hand gently placed itself on top of mine and held onto them tenderly. I glanced upwards and saw Daryl staring directly into my eyes with a look I couldn't quite understand. "Thought I was never gonna see you again." He mumbled.

"Me too." I whimpered, tears forming as I remembered the way it felt. "I thought you abandoned me like everyone else in my life has before." The tears leaked down my cheeks even though I vigorously tried to wipe them away. He'll think you're weak. He sat up slightly which brought our faces closer together.

"Hey. That's never gonna happen. I won't do that to ya." He paused for a moment thinking of what to say, "Look I'm might sound like an idiot for sayin' this but I like ya Sask. I mean I really like ya." My eyes grew wide at his confession and my heart rate multiplied. "And the thought of never gettin' to see you again nearly killed me itself today. Now I know ya scared of getting close to people and I think I know why. But just know I won't ever hurt ya Sask. I promise."

I sat there speechless, refusing to believe that those words had just left the mouth of Daryl Dixon. The tears were still freely flowing and my mind was racing. The idea of someone genuinely caring about me for once was making me giddy and terrified all at the same time. 

"I...I..." I babbled, my voice not wanting to cooperate.

"Ya don't have to be afraid." He rubbed my arm gently, which to be honest was not helping my situation.

"I like you too." I blurted. "And for some reason I trust you more than anyone I've ever met." His eyes seemed to light up at my statement. "And you most certainly do not sound like an idiot." I nervously laughed trying to lighten the mood. 

However, we soon turned serious again and I saw his eyes move to my mouth. And I found my eyes doing the same. His rough hands cupped my cheeks and his thumbs gently stroked across my tear stained skin, wiping away the evidence that there ever was any. We both brought our faces closer together, so close that I could feel his breath on me. The combination of all of this had, what felt like electricity, running through me and my heart beating faster than ever before. I bit my lip slightly in anticipation which made Daryl's pupils dialate. He looked up at my eyes again, as if asking for permission which I nervously granted and he begun closing what little gap between us was left.

All of a sudden there was a knock at the door which caused us to spring apart with awkward and guilty faces. I stood up and briskly walked over to the door and opened it. Carol walked in holding two plates of hot food.

"I brought you both dinner." She smiled, placing them down on the wooden bedside table.

"Oh thanks Carol." I replied.

"Yeah thanks." Daryl reciprocated. Carol looked at him for a moment before placing a light kiss on his forehead.

"Thank you for everything you've done for my daughter, Daryl. You've done more for her than her father ever did." She said and then went to leave.

"Oh here you are Carol." I called out as I handed her my plate, "I'm really not that hungry tonight, I'm sure someone else will appreciate it much more." She nodded her head before taking the plate and leaving. My stomach was doing knots from everything that had been said between Daryl and I, there was no way I could digest any food tonight.

I sat down on the bed again and handed Daryl his plate. He took it carefully but before I could fully retract my hand he grabbed my wrist. I gave him a confused look as he seemed to study my sleeved arm.

"Daryl what's wrong?" I asked, afraid he would uncover my arm.

"How have you gotten so skinny Sask?" He asked, with genuine concern in his voice. "Have ya been eating properly?"

"Yeah of course!" I replied without even thinking. Have I? He raised his eyebrows at me in disbelief. "Maybe I've skipped one or two meals here and there but that's just because I'm not hungry. Besides it's not like anyone can eat properly anymore." I sighed.

"Yeah I guess." He replied whilst nodding his head, seeming content with my answer. I quickly took my arm back from Daryl's grasp and he got stuck into his meal.

After Daryl finished eating we both settled down, me in a nearby arm chair, and drifted off into a much needed sleep.

* * * * * * * *


Here's another update for you!

I felt guilty leaving you on a cliff hanger ;)

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