
Five minutes later, he's standing in front of classroom 3-A, the door suddenly looking ominous to him.

Come on Freecss. Get it together.

Sucking air into his cheeks and releasing it afterwards, he reaches a shaking hand towards the door and slides it open.

He's immediately greeted by the whole classroom turning in their seats to stare at him, which only added to his anxiety. He managed a meager smile towards them; it was all he could do to hide his nervousness, especially as he nearly had to duck to make his way inside.

He notices Retz among the students, and she grins at him, giving him an excited wave, until a girl with blue hair next to her nudges her and whispered something into her ear, which causes Retz to giggle.

"Ah, our new student has arrived. I was getting a little worried that you had gotten lost." The teacher waves him over from behind her desk at the front of the room. She had beautiful, long brown hair and a kind face. Gon couldn't help but to immediately like her.

Gon approaches her, averting his gaze from everyone now for the moment. "Did you find the room okay?" The teacher asked.

"Yeah, it was easier then I thought." He smiles at her, as she gazes over his schedule. That's when he remembers the teacher's name, having read it when he glanced over his schedule earlier. It was Ms. Siberia.

"I'll get someone to show you around the school for the day, at the end of class." There was murmurs of excitement around the classroom as she says this. "For now, why don't you introduce yourself to the class before you take a seat? Unfortunately, the only empty one we have is towards the back of the room."

"That's fine with me!" Gon chirped, turning around to face the class and clearing his throat before speaking. "I'm Gon Freecss. I'm sixteen years old, probably like most of you and I've always lived here on Whale Island." He taps his chin thoughtfully before continuing. "This is the first real school I've ever been to though, so I hope I can make friends with you all." With that, he gives a little bow before straightening up and smiling. He was still rather nervous and when he was greeted with silence, his heart almost sank.

But the silence lasted only for a moment, as every student then clapped, including Ms. Siberia, all giving him wide smiles. Gon was surprised at this response and blushes slightly before making his way to his seat, passing Retz on the way, where she grins at him again as he walks past her.

As he reaches his seat, that's when Gon saw him.

He had fluffy white hair, wild and untamed like a lion's mane; he's never seen anything like it before. He was thin and pale, though from the black turtleneck he was wearing, it was obvious he had some muscle beneath the thin layer.

  What must it be like? Gon wondered. To look into the mirror every day to such an incredible sight?

  The boy had a rather bored expression on his face and had earbuds in his ears, though he must have felt Gon staring at him, for he looked up and that's when Gon saw them; his cerulean blue eyes, the color of sapphires, looking at him curiously, as they shined beneath the harsh light of the classroom.

  Gon squeaked quietly before turning around and sitting down at his desk, which was right in front of the pale boy.

  All through out homeroom, Gon could hardly focus, as he was only thinking about the boy behind him. A few times, he thought he could feel eyes boring into his back and he would glance over his shoulder every time to see the other quickly look away.

  When the bell ending homeroom rang, Gon sighed in relief and stood up, pulling his backpack on, before he noticed all the students staring at him expectantly, and that's when he remembered that one of them was supposed to show him around school for the rest of the day.

  Retz looked quite eager for the task, as she was bouncing up and down in excitement, but Ms. Siberia had other ideas.

  "Killua." She spoke out clearly, and the boy that had been sitting behind Gon, looked up just as he pulled his ear buds off.

  "Why don't you be the one to show Gon around school?"

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