Chapter 6 Through Fire

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Alicia's POV

''No way, you're not leaving again, Alicia!'' I heard my mom yelling at me. 

''I just have to find her, mom. She doesn't have to be alone!'' I yell even harder. We're standing on the balcony while I feel the eyes of the other people staring at us from the living room. 

I see my mother shaking her head and she sighs ''Sometimes people choose to be alone, Alicia. If she really wanted people around her she probably would have stayed.'' I hear the words that my mom speaks and I'm terrified. She was right, Elyza would have stayed if she really wanted to be around me. 

''I can get your daughter to this girl.'' I suddenly hear the father of Ofelia speak and both our eyes were now on him. It was somehow scary how Daniel heard our whole conversation but I bet everyone heard it because of the yelling.

''That's really nice of you Daniel, bu-''

''I'll keep her safe, make sure nothing happens to her. It's never too late to make our group bigger, Madison. The more people we have the safer we are.'' He cuts off my mom. I look at her and just by looking at her I can see these words really changed something in her. I walk towards her and grab both of her hands and hold them thight while she looks at me. 

''Mom, please. She's my friend.'' I say while I feel the lump in my throat. We both look at each other for a little while and then she places a kiss on my forhead. 

''Promise, you'll be back before the sun goes down.'' She says as I pull her in for a big hug. I rest my head on her shoulder and close my eyes. 

''I will, mom.'' I say while my voice breaks a little. I can feel her hurting, she just got her daughter back. But I had to this, and as soon as I will find Elyza we will all be together again. 


Me and Daniel step into the black cadillac as he starts the engine. We start to ride as I look into the side mirror I can see our friends and family waving goodbye then I see them walking inside except for my mom and Travis who puts his arm around her. I'm glad she has him, he will be there for her untill I'm back. We turn around the corner and now I lost sight of them. Suddenly something hits me and I look at Daniel who is focused on the road. 

''Why are you doing this for me?'' I ask him while my eyes also look at the long road infront of us. It is silent for a little while but then he begins to speak.

''In times like this we have to stick together, help each other.'' He says. That's what I admire about Daniel, he never loses faith. When his wife died he still held faith to protect Ofelia. It's nice to have people like him around in a mess like this.

After our conversation it was quiet but not the awkward kind, just a relaxing kind of quiet. Sometimes I don't even want to look outside the window, the mess and all the bodies it makes me feel sick in my stomach so I just stare at the dashboard. Then we drive past a familiar place, the place where I first saw her face and now it feels like I'll do everything to see that face again. It just doesn't even make sense anymore. 

Then I saw it, there was a big smoke in the distance exactly where Elyza's house is. 

''Follow the smoke!'' I almost yelled at  Daniel as he started to drive faster. 

Arriving at the giant field I saw Elyza's house burning but nothing stopped me from running to it. I felt the heat coming closer while my heart started pounding in my chest as the tears streamed down my face.

''Elyza!'' I screamed as loud as I could, hoping I could hear her voice somehow but there was only Daniel screaming my name to move away from the house. Then the sound faded away from my mind, it was quiet but I kept walking towards the house untill I felt the soft touch of a hand grabbing my hand gently. The sound came back and when I turned around, hope returned. 

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