Chapter 5 Leaving Friend

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Elyza POV

I'm standing on the porch with my back leaning against the wall. A cigarette is pressed between my lips as I'm holding it between my two fingers. I look at the lake that's infront of my house, it looks quite. It's so silent these days and deep inside it's killing me. Everything feels dead even though trees are still growing and nature is still alive, the silence makes everything lifeless. I blow out a cloud of white smoke. I want to hear the sound of riding cars, the sound of talking people. The sound of joy that makes me feel happy. I want to hear what it's like to be alive again. I threw my cigarette on the ground as I walke inside and ended up infront of my bedroom door. I gave Alicia time to rest because she looked really tired last night and I've been a bitch to her, I want to set things right between us before we had to say goodbye. I slowly opened the door and my eyes completely focused at the brunette that was sleeping in my bed. I silently took a seat on the chair next to the bed because I didn't want to wake her up yet.

I was afraid to admit it but last night when she pulled me off my motorcycle and I looked into her green eyes for the first time, I felt something and maybe it's just in my head. I've always been this tough girl but since we started talking to each other she somehow manages to make me feel weak. Maybe it's only because she made me think of Jane. Soon she's back with her family and I will never see her again, it's maybe for the best. The way she sleeps is so peaceful, it makes me forget the mess in this world.

But I realized we had to go, she's dying to see her family again. I gently shake her arm as she starts to move slowly.

''Wake up, we have to go to your family.'' I said as she opened her green eyes and looks at me.

''I'm sorry for sleeping so long.'' She said with a cute raspy morning voice as she sit straight up in the bed. Her light brown hair was messy but still she managed to look perfect.

''It's okay. Get yourself ready, I'll wait for you outside.'' I left the room without making eyecontact. Something in my heart told me I didn't want her to leave. What did I do that she's still so nice to me? Since I wanted to drop her off next to the road yesterday. We maybe had a bad start, let's say a pretty bad one.


I'm leaning against my motorcycle, looking at the world through my sunglasses. The weather is nice today and the sunlight hits the face of the beautiful girl that's coming this way. Her hair was in this half updo knot and has a golden glow in this light. I look at her and smile, as she smiles back at me.

''Are you ready?'' I ask her as I grab my helmet

''Have you seen my grey vest?'' She asks while ignoring my question.

''No but I have something better.'' I smile as she frowns. I open my motorcycle seat and grab a dark red jacket with a really soft fabric and hand it over to her.

''Maybe this will keep you warm on our ride.'' She looks suprised, grabs the clothing as she make little circles with her thumbs to feel the soft jacket.

''There was too much blood on your vest, I tried to wash it off with some water but it kept getting worse so I messed up. The jacket was from my girlfriend, I'm sure she wants you to have it.'' I continued talking as her face lights up.

''Thank you so much.'' She said and put it on. Red was defenitely her color, but probably every color would have looked great on her. Her full lips formed a beautiful smile. I also gave her the motorcycle helmet.

''I want you to wear this, I want you to be safe.'' I said as she frowned with still a smile on her face.

''No, you're the driver. You should wear it.'' She gently pushed it back into my hands.

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