Chapter 4 Paths Will Cross Tonight

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Alicia POV

Everything happened so fast a few minutes ago, Victor, the explosion and the scary creatures. For a minute back there I thought I was death too but thanks to the stranger I'm alive. I'm really curious who this guy is, I guess I have to find out when we arrive on the unknown destination or wherever the hell we're heading to. Suddenly we stop next to the road, it looks safe here but is this where we should be?

I step off the motorcycle and look around me. It's still dark and I guess it's like 2 AM or something. There I am standing next to a road with a stranger who doesn't even talk, no this can't go on any longer. I turn around and look at the stranger who's still wearing the motorcycle helmet with the black glass so it makes it hard to see his face. His whole outfit was made of leather probably, he even wears leather gloves.

''Who are you?'' I ask while I cross my arms and frown. The stranger puts his hands on his hips and still makes no sound. Then he grabs something out of his bag, it was the baseball bat. He walks over to me pushes it into my hands and then walks back to his vehicle and takes a seat on it. Was he seriously going to leave me here?

''No way!'' I yelled and ran towards him and managed to pull him off his motorcycle wich also fell on the ground. Never thought I was this strong allthough the stranger wasn't really that heavy for a man. As I'm laying on top of him I try to pull off his helmet what happened with no succes at all because quickly after that he pushed me off him, grabbed a pistol out of the holder that was attached to his jeans and points it at my head while the roles switched.

''What is your problem, dude?!'' I yell, ignoring the fact that there's a gun on my head. Then he puts the gun back and places two hands on his helmet and slowly removed it. Everything went in slowmotion again like when I heard Victor shooting the creature behind me in the shop back then. But this time it was different. The moonlight revealed her face, her blond hair and her bright blue eyes looked at me. So.. it happened to be a girl that was probably around my age.

''You ask me what my problem is?!'' She yelled back while she was still sitting on my stomach and throws the helmet away out of anger. The fact that her body was sitting on me felt somewhat uncomfortable in I guess a good way?

''You were talking to a walker, you pulled me of my motorcycle!'' she continued yelling as I woke up from my daydream and felt a knife pressing on my neck.

''A walker? You mean the sick creature?'' I asked confused as she started frowning. Her anger changed into confusion for a second but still she held the knife in it's place.

''No idiot! These things are dead and if you think you can cure them, you're probably the one who's sick.'' She yelled again. So they are called walkers, so I guess they are like zombies. Why was I so blind, they did look pretty much dead. I remember Nick always used to play this game with zombies, I was so scared to even look at the screen. The worst part is now they are real and I almost got bitten by one, this girl saved my life allthough she's a bitch but there is something about the way the moonlight hits her face perfectly. She stood up and grabbed her helmet

''Where are you going?'' I ask while I follow her. She managed to pull up her vehicle and took a seat on it again.

''I'm going home. Have fun with 'The Sick' tonight, dumb bitch. Maybe I just had to leave you there in the parking lot.'' The more she spoke like that, the more my hate feelings started to grow for her.

''No.. Please don't go.'' I look at her and she looked back at me. There was something in her eyes, but I couldn't read it. It looked like she was actually in doubt when our eyes met. She ran her hand through her blond hair and put on the motorcycle helmet.

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