Undercover part 5

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Undercover part 5

Gibbs was alone he started thinking what he should do, then he got thee Ideal to track they cell phones but there was a problem he did not know how to do that, then he went to MTAC and had one of the geeks up there do it since McGee was no there. Gibbs told one of the geeks to track ziva and McGee phone but the geek said that there cell phones are not in a cell tower range. Sorry agent Gibbs said the geek. Right before Gibbs stepped out of MTAC there was a *ding* then the geek said. Uhh agent Gibbs I have something, its agent McGee phone. Said the geek. Where is he?said Gibbs. In the middle of the woods, wait a minute he just sent a text. Said the geek. To how then Gibbs cell phone *beeped* Then Gibbs flips his phone open and it says we found there hind out, then Gibbs looks up at the big screen and you can see there heat signature and you could see a lot more signatures surrounding them, now tony,Kate,ziva and McGee are kidnapped, Gibbs starts praying that Kate's and Tony's cover does not get blown, If it does there kill them all. Gibbs runs to the car and on the way he got another team to help. *at the hindout* A guard was interrogating tony but when there dragged me in he stopped and tony came over to me he saw that they had beat me, so tony gave me a kiss on the cheek because Brandon and Amanda were Married and they loved either ever much. I woke up I remembered that we are undercover so I said Brandon, as I tried to sit up but in to much pain, so Tony's puts my hind on his lap. Next thing we know we see them bring in ziva and McGee, McGee has a black eye and Ziva's hair is just a mess, they looked at ether and decided to come over to as and act like strangers. Ziva says what happen to her? She was beaten, what does it not look like that. Tony said as he looked down at me. Please comment below if u want more

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