He Believed In Her (A Ron Weasley One Shot)

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Ariana Taylors, a gentle and sweet girl, she was. But, she was quite underestimated. 

Nobody really believed in her, except for her absolute best friend Luna Lovegood. Luna had high faith in her loyal best friend. Those two were couldn't be divided. Luna brought the depressed girl up when she was down. Nobody knew she had depression.

Nobody believed honestly.  

But they should have. She seemed too sweet, too happy, too gentle, she always had a smile on her face. Of course, it was a fake one. Sometimes, she forced her laughs as well. Her smile tells one story, while the sadness in her eyes told a different one.

Hogwarts students didn't have much hope in her. They thought she was too sensitive to use a spell for fighting purposes, or she couldn't do a potion without a mistake made. Things like that, she was underestimated to. But they were all wrong. 

In fact, she was as smart as Hermione Granger, as brave as Ron, and as special as Harry.


"Luna, do you suppose they won't mention anything about exams?" The 4th year Ariana said to her fellow 4th year best friend Luna.

"They have no right to. You are a smart and amazing girl. They know your name, not so much of your story." Luna replied.

Ariana nods. Neville Longbottom walks up to Luna and her. He smiles at the two girls. "Hello, just wanting to say good luck on the exams today." The 5th year said, but looking a bit more at Ariana while saying that. Ariana had enough. She dropped her books in tears, and ran off to her Ravenclaw common room. 

Luna looked at Neville in anger. "Have a little faith will you!?" Her dreamy voice said. She picked up her pained best friends books, and runs in the direction as Ariana did. 


Ron Weasley had just gotten the news that spreaded all over Hogwarts fast. Dumbledore, apparently, had a conversation with Ariana Taylors, and now she has been excused from classes for a while due to personal and sadden news. He fancied her quite a bit, and did have belief in her, which, he knew many people didn't.

No one knew that Ronald Weasley believed in her either. He half wanted it that way. 

One thing he figured out himself was, no one knew of the girls past. She's never talked about it, and seemed uncomfortable talking the slightest about it. He caught up to Luna, who has been an wonderful friend to Ariana during her "breakdown", considering Luna is after all, her best friend. "LUNA!" Ron yelled.

She stopped, turned around, and smiled. "Yes Ron?" She said in the very gentle voice of hers. 

"How's Ariana?" Luna's smiled faded and she simply shook her head slowly. Ron nodded sadly in understandment. 

"Well, I believe in her. I know she'll get better." Ron stopped after those two sentences, realizing he admitted to the girl he may be in love with best friend. He looked at her wondering what her reaction would be.

Luna's eyes widened as the smile that faded away, appeared again. "Oh Ron! You may have answered her problems!" She runs off towards the Ravenclaw Common Room.


"Maybe you should tell Dumbledore what goes on at home. It's not safe for you to be there." Luna looks at her best friend in hope.

Ariana looks at Luna and wipes her fallen tear. "He'll come after me, Luna. I'm too scared to take the risk." Luna, was fed up.

"Ariana Taylors you are my best friend! It hurts me to see you like this and to have no hope in yourself! You are so bright and people need to realize that! I refuse to let you go through the abuse your father gives you! Take off the make-up covering the bruises on your arms and such. We must tell Dumbledore. He'll do something and Hogwarts will keep you safe!" Luna's dreamy voice raised high in anger and sadness.

Ariana looks at the gentle Luna shocked but can't help but agree. She nods sadly and looks out the window.


"She's a nice girl, but she doesn't have much talent in magic." After hearing this during dinner in the Great Hall, Ron had enough. He stood up on his seat, which made everyone look at him in curiousty. "Ariana is smart, beautiful, bright, clever, and so much more! None of you have any right to say any different! You know her name, not her story! She is so misunderstood. Imagine if nobody believed in you, and you had no one to make you feel like you stand a chance through horrid times. Ariana is what a witch should be." He says then sits down, and looks at everyone's stunned faces. 

He doesn't see Luna, Dumbledore, or Ariana. Ron can't help but have a slight emotion of worry on why those particular people are not in the Great Hall. 


"Oh my." Dumbledore says. "Miss. Taylors, care to explain these bruises on your body?" Ariana looks at Luna who gives her an encouraging smile. "My father, professor. Ever since my mother died, when I was 10, he started to abuse me. I couldn't find the bravery to tell anybody and I couldn't find in my heart to hate him, even if I should. He made a threat to hurt me if I told anyone." 

Dumbledore's face had worry and shock written all over it. "Well, Miss. Taylors, is there anywhere you could perhaps go?" As Luna opens her mouth to volunteer, a shocked voice speaks.

"Me." Ron says at the door of Dumbledore's office with McGongall next to him smiling a small smile. Dumbledore looks at McGongall confused. "Mr. Weasley, came to me with a look of worry. He was wondering if Flitwick knew where Ariana was, after all he is the Ravenclaw house leader. I asked him why and he said, with bravery and hesitation I might add, "I love her professor McGongall, and I worry about her sometimes." Very open and straight forward for Mr. Weasley. I decided to lead him here. I believe he has to right to know, after all, he loves the girl. I could always see it." 

Ariana's mouth drops, but she soon realizes she's wearing shorts that could a little past the knees and a tank top, to show her bruises. Luna quickly gives her a sweater, but Ron had already seen. "That arse. I can't believe he layed his dirty hands on you. I swear, Ariana, he will regret it." You could see the anger in his eyes.

"Ron.....please. Don't......I can't risk you getting hurt." Ariana pleads. Ron walks over to her, kisses her fiercely, but passionatly. He then looks at her, smiles slightly, then speed walks out of Dumbledore's office.


"We must remember that we are as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided." Those words by the now deceased Dumbledore replayed in Ariana's head as she stands with her fellow Ravenclaws, Luna next to her. The door burst open, to reveal the Order. She then snaps her head to Snape, in curiousty of what his reaction is. Then, as a fight between Snape and McGongall breaks out after Harry reveals himself, Ron yells her name.

She runs into his arms, her Ravenclaw robes that now are loose due to her not eating much, have fallen down revealing her dark skinny jeans, white t-shirt, dark purple hoodie, and black converse. She quickly grabs her wand from the pocket of her robes, that now lay on the floor. Ron takes her hand and runs out of the Great Hall. The Battle Of Hogwarts has begun. A battle everyone knew was coming, since her 5th year and Ron's 6th. 


"Ari, please wake up!" Ron yells as he sobs over Ariana's body. Her breathing is now slow. "Ari, you promised you'd make it through. Best friends don't leave!" Luna sobs. "I'm not going anywhere." Her eyes flutter open. Luna and Ron gasp in surprise and hug her tightly. 

After the "thank God you're okay" moments, Luna walks away leaving just her and Ron. Ron looks her in the eyes. He then kisses her full on the mouth, savoring each second. He then pulls away, puts his forehead to hers, and says "Be Mine?" His mouth says nervously but his eyes full of hope.

"Always & forever." She says smiling. "Always & forever." Ron repeats smiling widely then kissing her once more. "Oh and Ron?" "Yes?" "Thank you." He looks at her confused. "For what?"

"Believing in me." 

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