A Breathing Miracle (Fred Weasley One Shot)

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Cleo Longbottom. Neville's sister. Seamus Finnigan's ex. My best friend. For Neville's sister she's pretty popular.

Malfoy wants her. As if. She's a proud Gryffindor and doesn't date Slytherins. I'm just hoping she'd go for her best friend. I sigh as I look around 'Weasley's Wizard Wheezes'. 

I left Hogwarts a year ago. She's a 7th year now. Still beautiful. Still sweet. Still Cleo. 

I hear the door open. It's a low day, there's only 2 people looking around in the shop. Now's there is a third. I see her. Cleo to be exact. 

She smiles at me and waves. She comes up to me. "Hey Freddie. Where's Georgie?" She asks looking around. "In his office coming up with ideas. How's your parents?" I ask in sympathy for her. She looks at me with sad eyes.

"Not good. Still in very bad shape at St. Mungo's. Neville does his best to stay strong for me but it kills him too." She looks away as if there's something she's hiding. "Cleo Annabella Longbottom, I'm your best friend and I know your hiding something from me. What is it?" I ask concerned. "Oh nothing. Nothing at all. I must be going. It was good to see you Fred. Goodbye." She says then runs off.

That was the last time I saw her till I got awful news.

She's now a St. Mungo's patient.


David Riddle. Tom Riddle's cousin's son. He was in love with Cleo but she didn't feel the same. So, he used the crucio curse on her and she's very sensitive to spells.

Cuts and bruises remain on her. It hurts me to know I wasn't there to protect her. Like I always used to be. She's one year younger than me. I know the trio, and Neville take good care of her when I'm not there but there has been so much drama since I left that I can't help but worry. 

I was always there to protect her.


But when George and I left Hogwarts, she's been getting more and more depressed. I mean, she doesn't have her best friends in the whole world with her anymore (Me and George). George was always so fragile and careful with her. As was I. In fact, as was everyone. 

It's not like we treated her like a baby, we just knew she's a small and sensitve person who still knows to be the life of the party. But, now, she's lying in a white bed with tubes to help her breathe.

..........Since she can hardly breathe on her own.

I hear noise in her hospital room. I turn around, trying to wipe my tears and hide my bloodshot eyes. I see Neville standing there staring at her with tears rolling down in her cheeks, while clutching flowers. Her favorite. Soft, red roses. 

He doesn't speak but neither do I. He goes over to the vase with the roses he put in from weeks ago that have the roses dying. He takes those out and puts the fresh ones in the water. He then kisses her forehead, lets more tears fall, nods at me, then walks out to his parents room. Poor guy.

His sister and parents are in the hospital and Hogwarts is already having enough problems. Dumbledore is dead. Hard to take in.  I soon fall asleep from staring at Cleo and admiring her beauty.


"Freddie!" She giggles her cute little giggle as she runs away from me. I chase her some more, then wrap my arms around her waist catching her. "Got ya." I whisper in her ear and laugh softly. She smiles wide and giggles more causing me to smile. We always acted like a couple even though she was never mine.

I wish she was.

"You're my best friend Fred. Please, never betray that." She says with a serious face looking into my eyes.

"Never." I whisper staring back.


"No, Fred! Slow down it's important!" Harry says. "No time Harry, I'm trying to catch Cleo before she leaves the common room." I say. "She won't be there!" Harry yells with tears. I stop dead in my tracks hearing the quiet sob. I turn around and clutch my wand I had in my hand. 

"What do you mean 'she won't be there'?" I ask nervously. "Fred.....it's bad. We tried to help and get him to stop....We weren't fast enough to get to her." He says shaking his head letting tears fall. I run to the hospital wing not caring about the people swearing at me for knocking them down on accident. I get there and I see Neville, Luna, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, and George surrounding a hospital bed.

I get closer and see her pale body. "What happened?" I ask choking on tears. George snapped his head towards me and I see his salty tears. "David Riddle. He pushed her into the black lake. She was unconsious by the time Harry, Ron, and Hermione got there." He says, his lips quivering.  

"Ron...how long was she unconsious?" He doesn't answer. "HOW LONG!?" I yell. "About....15 minutes." Ron says flinching. 15 minutes....Cleo was underwater not breathing. "Fred.....we ran as fast as we could when we heard the loud scream. We were far away but we heard her loud scream faintly." Hermione says furiously wiping away the tears.

Madam Pomfrey comes in and sighs. "She'll live. I'm telling you, Mrs. Longbottom is a breathing miracle." She says, half smiles, then walks off to another patient. 


I instantly wake up. I see Cleo staring at me. She smiles weakly. "Hey Freddie. How are you?" She asks sweetly. I shake my head and smile in relief. 

She was just hit with one of the three unforgivable curses and she still worries about other people.

The doctor walks in and sees her awake. "Mrs. Longbottom, you are a breathing miracle." He says smiling. I remember the dream. I smile, kiss Cleo. She looks at me in shock. 

"She sure is. She is a breathing miracle that I am in love with." 

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