unbound, untamed [chapter 3]

Start from the beginning

"Can I see you?" Marcus asked uncertain of the request. I understood what he meant.

He had accepted all of this easily and I thought that I look more beautiful as wolf anyways so I shrugged and said "Sure." I started to take of my jacket on my way to bathroom.

"What are you doing?" he asked confused.

I looked over my shoulder and laughed at his expression "What? You think that these clothes just disappear when I change?"

"Oh..." Marcus looked a bit embarrassed. I laughed again walking in the bathroom.

I quickly undressed and changed. Then I took a deep breath and walked back in the room. Marcus stood up, came closer and knelt so he could feel my fur. I leaned in his hand and smiled to myself.

"Wow, Dani! She's beautiful!" Marcus whispered amazed.

"I'm..." I emphasized the word "It's still me."

Marcus jerked back and stumbled falling on his cute butt. He looked terrified. Ooops, I thought.

"I guess I forgot to tell you that werewolves can project their thoughts" I said looking guiltily at him.

Marcus let out a breath "Yeah, you forgot." I chuckled softly and grinned letting my pink tongue loll out. "Yeah, it is definitely you" he laughed.

"You are beautiful" he said emphasizing "you".

"Thank you" thank God he couldn't see me blush.

He started to get up but I jumped on top of him and growled playfully. He tried to grab me but I was of off him in a heartbeat and I laughed projecting so he could hear that.

He got up and after straightening his clothes made a grab at me trying to surprise me. It would have worked out with old Danica but not anymore. In two leaps I was on my bed laughing hard. I lied down and put my head on my paws attentively watching Marcus. He gave up.

"And graceful as well" he said smiling.

"Tell me something I don't know" I laughed and got off the bed to go change back to my human form. When I got out of the bathroom, Marcus was standing in front of my bookshelf.

"So you liked my performance?"I teased trying to sound like his answer didn't matter. He just laughed and applauded for me so I curtsied.

When I looked up he pulled me in to a hug "I really missed you".

I squeezed him tightly "You have no idea how much I missed you" I answered.

"Yeah right" Marcus snorted and after another hard squeeze let go of me and continued "like I can compete with werewolves and that Alpha guy".

"You are right, you can't be more interesting than my warriors and teachers" I teased him "but there is one enjoyable person I would like you to meet."

I went to the door and told one of the guards "Get Ian for me please!"

And then while we waited I tried to find out what have I missed from his life while I had been here. To my relief it turned out that nothing much.

The door opened and Ian walked in "You asked for me?"

I stood up and went to meet him "Yeah. Marcus this is Ian" I turned to face Marcus again.

"Yeah we met" he said dryly.

"Erm... sorry about that man!" Ian really did look apologetic and guilty "we didn't think it through."

"No shit, Sherlock!" I snapped at him.

Ian tried to find a way out "We just wanted to give you an appropriate and special present."

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