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I jolted up and looked around frantically. What if it was Ryder, come to get Stellan and I. I looked around for my quiver full of arrows, but couldn't find them. All I had was my bow. I furrowed my eyebrows. Someone must have taken them. I looked up at Stellan in the tree. He was still asleep. I heard a chuckle and turned around. There she was - Marcela. I furrowed my eyebrows. She was standing there with a huge grin, plastered all over her face with a knife in her hand. She flicked back her bleach blonde hair and looked at me. I started to panic on the inside. I searched the floor for any sort of weapon. Where were my arrows? She saw me looking around and smirked. She held up the leather quiver and smiled. ''Looking for these, are we?'' She laughed. ''I don't think you'll be needing them.'' She took them out of the quiver and snapped them in half, all of them. My eyes widened and I gulped. Now what was I going to do? I had no weapons and she had a knife. Great. 

''What do you want, Marcela?'' I asked, raising an eyebrow. 

She laughed. ''I want to win. That's what I want,'' she said. She smiled and raised her hand up. She flung her knife at me. I tried ducking, but it jammed itself straight into my shoulder. I cried out in pain and tried pulling it out, but it had gone too deep. It was stuck in my bone. I fell to my knees and took in a deep breathe. She ran over to me, pushed me to the floor and jumped on top of me. She pinned down my hands with her feet and brought her knife to my neck. She grinned. ''See, this was my plan all along. I'd act all shy, get a bad score for the private training sessions and then everybody would think I was weak, so they'd target me first. But, they didn't know how good I was with knives until I had jammed one into their head,'' she smiled. 

''But I didn't target you. You targeted me,'' I growl. I squirm around but she puts a bit more pressure onto the knife so that it's almost piercing my skin. 

''I thought district twelve had gone far enough in these games. You should have been killed in the bloodbath. '' She growled. I glared at her. ''Don't worry,'' she swats and hand, smiling. ''I'll take care of you myself,'' she grinned. She took up her kife and I winced, thinking she was going to just stab me, right then and there, but she didn't. Instead, she pressed her knife on my face and started creating random lines. I screamed out in pain. She pressed her knife into my skin harder. ''Be quiet,'' she mumbled. I looked up at Stellan, who was still asleep in the tree. Marcela stopped dragging her knife along my skin and followed my eyes to where I had been looking. She saw Stellan and let out a slight chuckle. ''I'll deal with him after I'm finished with you,'' she smiles. That's where I really started to loose it. 

''No!'' I screamed. ''Don't touch him!''

''What are you going to do about it?'' she laughed. 

''This,'' I growled. I whacked my head into her forehead, causing her to wince in pain. I wriggled my arms out from under her feet and jumped up. I dive down when I see her knife laying on the floor. I grab it and look at Marcela, who is recovering from the head-bump she had recieved from me. By this time, she was standing up. I ran over and slashed the knife across her stomach, causing her to scream out in pain. Her eyes went wide and she fell to her knees. ''You're not going to touch me or him,'' I whispered. She fell on her back and her cannon went off. I felt so bad. My head was poudning and my vision was blurred with a mixture of tears and blood. I brought my hand up to my head and then brought it back down to examine it. My hand was completley red, covered in blood. Droplets of blood had started dripping from my hand and down my arm. I climbed back up the tree and tried shaking Stellan awake. I furrowed my eyebrows when he didn't move. I could see droplets of sweat forming on his forehead. I felt his forehead, and pulled back my hand. It was scorching hot. This wasn't good. His breathing had become slower and slower and I thought he was dying. I bawled my eyes out. Stellan is going to die and it'll be my fault for telling him to run away. A thought flashed through my mind. Entertainment. That's all they want back in the Capitol. If I give them some entertainment, they'll send me in parachutes. I needed medicine for Stellan. He'd die without it. ''Stellan, please don't go,'' I sobbed. I leaned in and smashed my lips onto his. Hopefully this will be enough to get us sponsers. I pulled away from the kiss when I felt something on my lap. I smiled when I saw a parachute. With it came note, which read : 

Apply on the wounds and hope for the best. 

Also, keeping going with this little act of yours. 

They're loving it back here. It is an act, right?

                                                                   - H

I grinned and looked towards where I imagined the cameras to be. I simply nodded and took out  some healing cream. I rubbed it over every little hole that had been pecked into his skin. When I turned around, I saw anoher parachute. I raised both of my eyebrows and immediatley opened it. 

Make him drink this, too. The whole thing.

I've got a whole load of sponsers, lined up for you two, sweetie.

                                                                               - H

I smiled and took out a small bottle with a green liquid contained inside it. I sat Stellan up, even though he's still unconscience and pour the liquid down his throat. It has started to get dark, so I decide to go asleep, and hope that Stellan will be alright. 

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