The Interviews

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I woke up in the morning to somebody shaking. ''Wake up Josephine!'' 

''Effie?'' I rubbed my eyes. 

''Cinna should be here any minute! Go hop into the shower! Now!'' 

''What? What time is it?'' I raised an eyebrow. 

''It's two p.m! The interviews start at four! Out of bed! Now!'' 

''I still have two hours, Effie!'' I said, hiding my face into my pillow. I herd her grunt and clip-clop out of the room. A few minutes later, I herd two pairs of feet walking in. I felt someone grip my ankles and pull me out of bed. I fell onto the floor and whacked my head onto the floor. I opened my eyes and saw a smirking Stellan. ''Time to get up, sleepy head!'' He laughed before walking out of the room. I shooed Effie away and hopped into the shower. I wraped a towel around me and walked back into my room to find a man with gold eyeliner and a few piercings at the top of his ear, sitting on my bed. Cinna. ''Hi,'' I smiled. 

''We're going to make you look gorgeous tonight,'' he smiled. I nodded. ''Let's get started,'' he said, walking over to me. He did my makeup which consisted of red eyeshadow with some small rimestones along the bottom of my eyes, black mascarra, a tiny bit of blusher and some red lipstick. He did my hair in a small bun at the side of my head (A/N: At the side of the page but she has brown hair not blonde) and brought out my dress. It was red and had flames coming up from the bottom of it. I smiled. ''It's gorgeous,'' I said, giving him a hug. He smiled and went out of the roon while I got dressed. I put on matching pumps and went outside. Stellan was in a baby blue tux. He grinned when he saw me. I smiled. ''You look fabulous darling, now lets go!'' Effie chirped.


I stood in the long line, tapping my foot nervously as I watched Ryder on the small television that was backstage. ''Now, Ryder. There has been a few roumers that you're threatening other tributes? Would you like to clarify that?'' Ceaser asked, raising an eyebrow after they had taken their seats. 

Ryder grinned. ''Well, it is two tributes in particular, but I wouldn't call it threatening. I'd say more like giving them a heads up to watch their backs in the arena,'' He grinned, looking directly into the camera. It was Stellan and I. Thats who he was talking about. My eyes immidately look at Stellan. He gave me a worried look. Manedine and Lance looked back at us and smirked, resulting in all the other tributes looking back at us . I looked away and took in a deep breathe. Before I knew it, Stellan was called up onto the stage. He smiled and waved when he walked out onto the stage. He took a seat and smiled. 

''Hello there, Stellan,'' Ceaser smiled. 

''Hi,'' Stellan smiled. 

''Well, Stellan, I'm sure we'd all like to know what you think about the Capitol, am I right?'' Ceaser asks. The crowd roars. 

Stellan leaned back in his chair and smiled. ''Well, Ceaser I think the couches are the best part.'' 

''The couches?''

''Yes, the couches. I never even knew such a thing exsisted,'' Stellan laughed. Ceaser and the crowd laughed with him. 

''Tell us, Stellan, is there any special girl back at home?'' Ceaser arched an eyebrow. 

''Well, not really. She's here with us.'' The crowd roars yet again. 

''Well, spill the beans. Is she from district twelve or another district?'' 

''That's for me to know and you to find out,'' Stellan grinned. 

Ceaser laughed. ''Well, good night, Stellan and may the odds be ever in your favour!'' I could see Stellan trying not to clench his jaw at these words, but he just walked off of the stage. I hugged him when he came backstage. ''That was great,'' I say. 

He lets out a big sigh. ''I don't think so.''

Suddenley, my name was boomed onto the stage. I break free of our hug and wave as walk up the steps and onto the stage. I put on a fake smile and decide not to wave because I can feel my hand shaking figurously. My knees felt like they were buckling and I felt like I was going to vomit. I quickly sat down into the chair and looked over to Ceaser. ''How are you, Josephine?''

''I'm fine, thank you,'' I gave him a fake smile. 

''Now, Josephine, lets get down to business. Why don't we take a look at this.'' He said as the big screen behind us started playing a video. My eyes widened as I saw my father and I, hugging. It was when he came to visit me in the Justice Building after I had been reaped for the games. How did they get this footage?

(A/N: This is just the video playing) 

 He cuddled me into his arms while I cried, making wet patches on his shirt. ''Please take care of the baby and mom,'' I said into his shirt. ''She won't survive on her own, and if she doesn't make it, then niether will the child. Please,'' I sobbed. ''You don't even have to get back together, just make sure she's taking care of herself and the baby.''

He lifted my head up with his hands and nodded. ''It's okay,'' He said. ''I'll keep an eye on her, as long as you promise to try and come back.'' I nodded. A peacekeeper came in and took him away, leaving me crying in the room by myself.

I wiped a tear away quickly but I'm pretty sure the camera caught it. Ceaser turned to me after the video had ended. ''Would you like to explain that?'' 

I wiped away another tear. ''My dad came to visit me after the reaping,'' my voice wobbled a bit. ''I was asking him to look after my mom and their baby.''

Ceaser nodded. ''And I suppose you;re going to try to win this for them?''

I nodded. 

''Now, I've herd youself and Stellan were quite good friends back at twelve, and still are but what are your intentions for him? You say you'll try to win, but unfortunatley that means Stellan will lose and, well, we all know what that means.'' 

''I-I don't know. I never thought of it like that,'' I looked at the floor. 

''Well, we'll all be routing for you, I'm sure. Ladies and gentlemen, Josephine Reeds!'' 

I got up and walked backstage, not bothering to wave or smile. I searched the room for Stellan. He immidiately came up to me and tightly wrapped his arms around me. I sobbed into his shoulder. I didn't care if any of the other tributes thought I was weak. I just wanted to cry, scream, shout about this. All of this. How dare they put that footage on television. That was private. 

''They shouldn't have been aloud do that,'' I could feel Stellan clench his jaw against my shoulder. I pulled back from our hug and wiped away my tears. Everybody stared. Ryder was smirked and laughed into his hand. I glared at him. ''What are you laughing at?'' I asked. I pushed off of his shoulder as I walked past him. 

''Don't forget, twleve! I'll be the first one to hunt you down in the arena along with your little friend!'' He shouted after me. I gulped and looked at Stellan who was by my side. I decided to do something I thought I'd never do - I stood up to a career. I turned on my heel and walked up to him. I pointed a finger at him. ''Well I'll be right on your feet, behind you every second of every day, watching you sleep at night and before you know it, I'll have a knife to your throat.'' And with that, I jumped into the elevator with Stellan. He looked at me, eyes wide. ''Nice choice of words,'' He laughed. I laughed, but I couldn't help but repeat Ryders words over and over in my head - I'll be the first one to hunt you down.

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