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Still in my funeral gown, I scurried towards the drawer in my room where I kept all my correspondance. I took off my necklace which had the key attached to it and opened the drawer. I hesitantly but carefully took out the numerous yellow envelopes grouped together by a piece of string. I walked over to my bed, the letters still in hand and sat down before carefully untying the ribbon. I picked the one on top and slowly ran my fingertips over the red wax with the Clairvolt crest imprinted onto it. I took out the letter from the envelope and brought it close to my nose so that I could inhale the scent of the love of my life... the man who was brutally taken away from me. As I read the letter over and over again, tears cascaded down my cheeks and no matter how hard I tried, it felt impossible to contain the sadness that had claimed my heart.

There in my pale hands lay the very last words addressed to me of Arthur Thomas Clairvolt, my betrothed and husband-to-be who was stabbed in action while trying to control a quarrell that broke out among a group of drunken villagers.

I stared in silence at the paper in my hand which then contained smudged ink in several places where my tears had fallen. From the corner of my eye, I spotted my father, still in his mourning attire watching me from the door.

"Come in..."I said in a hushed voice as I wiped away some fresh tears.

"My Alyssa..."he stated as he slowly walked towards me and sat beside me on the bed. "May I speak to you regarding a matrimonial matter?"
I froze.

"What matrimonial matter?"I asked as my eyes widened in shock. He couldn't actually have been trying to tie me up in another marriage, could he? Surely not on the day of my love's funeral? I brought my eyes up to meet his and saw nothing but a cold pair of emerald irises staring back at me with an insistent and demanding nature.  "I believe I have asked you a question..."I trailed off.

"Yes, my Alyssa. I have-- I have spoken with Lord Clairvolt and he has informed me that his other son; Jonathan, will take over the Clairvolt household now that Arthur, may he rest in peace, is no longer with us."he began.  "His son appears to be a difficult man who has no interest in marriage... "

"What are you saying--"

"You had better change his mind."boomed father, cutting me off.

"I am mourning the man I love, father! I will not hear any more of this matrimonial arrangement!"I screamed and charged towards the door in a rage of anger and complete sadness.  But before I could place my hand on the door knob, he grabbed my arm firmly and with all his strength threw me onto the bed.

"You are my daughter! You will do as I say!"he yelled with his face red and his nostrils flared. I had never seen my father so angry in his life. "You will marry Jonathan Clairvolt and you will ensure peace between the two households!"

"And how am I to do that?"

"Please him! Bear him a child... a son! Alyssa, have I really taught you nothing through all these years?!" 

I took a deep breath as soon as father left the room.  As soon as I regained some of my strength, I stood up and picked up Arthur's letters to me which lay scattered on the floor after my argument with father. I tied the string around them and put them back in the drawer. 

Mourning the death of the man you love is heartbreaking but having to marry his brother; his living identical, is an unfathomable feeling.

A week passed and I was invited by the Clairvolt household to visit their countryside manor.  My father would join me on this trip that had to run as smoothly and as perfectly possible.  Thirteen new gowns were ordered, each one intended for a different activity I might have joined during my visit. 

The day of my departure from Sheffield arrived soon enough and mother insisted I wore the best gown I had which was a subtle shade of purple with a beautifully stitched peterpan collar and matching sleeves.  She also had a bonnet made for me with a matching sash.  I descended down the stairs to find my five younger sisters waiting in the foyer to bid me a humble farewell. I took turns to hug them one by one and tighter and tighter until I got to dear Pauline.  Pauline was the very youngest of the family and I always felt like her protector.  However, now I was saying goodbye.  As we hugged, I realised how tall she'd grown and my eyes filled with tears as I came to terms with the fact that she had become a woman who no longer needed me to comfort her whenever she needed useful advice.  I held her hand firmly until father abruptly tore us apart as he pushed me out of the house and into the waiting carriage.

"We are already thirty minutes late."father scowled as soon as one of the footman shut the carriage door.

"I wanted to at least bid a proper farewell to my sisters... it will be long until I see them again." I said politely.

"They will all see you again at the engagement banquet."he remarked.

"Which is in ... three months!"I added with a frown on my face.

"Yes. Three months... enough time for me to prepare you for a married life."he said as he glanced at his pocket watch.  "And maybe if these horses hurried up a little, we'd get there before the banquet is over."father called in a loud tone, loud enough for the coachman to hear.  The sound of a whip slashing on the horses' backs followed and afterwards, the carriage was consumed with silence.

Legends From The Highlands: Love-LockedWhere stories live. Discover now