Chapter 10

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Jonathan was lulled into a false sense of security by the daily routine that the farm life had to offer, there was a lot that needed to be done, he would work without a break, trying to keep his mind of the nagging feeling. Laura kept her distance trying to give him his space.

Walking into the house, she spotted her father, he was in his usual chair, head thrown back fast asleep. She walked towards him, "Dad!" she said gently nudging him awake. "Dad wake up!" she said louder.

He startled awake looking up at her, "Why did you wake me?" he grumbled at her. She shook her head as she watched him. "Jonathan is working his ass off, and you are just lazing about?" she walked towards the kitchen, hearing her father get up.

"What are you saying, Laura? Do you have a problem with me?" Laura looked at the floor, at a spot just next to his foot. "I just think there are so much that needs to be done around this place." She finally looked up at her father. "What is going to happen when Jonathan leaves?" he stepped closer to her, raising his finger at her. "Now you have a problem with the way I run this place."

For the first time in her life, Laura snapped. "This place was falling apart before he arrived, you weren't even bothered enough to try and stop the decay, I had to watch it fall apart piece by piece." Alec rushed towards her, pushing her against the table, "Don't you dare talk to me like that?" he was turning red as he breathed hard, "If you were so unhappy about the way this place was run, why didn't you leave? Why didn't you go do what other young people do?"

Laura shook her head, "You want me to leave?" Alec walked away from her, "Sure do whatever the fuck you want. I don't need you, or that lying prick out there."

Laura pushed past him, running up the stairs to her room, she slammed the door behind her. Her legs gave way and she fell to the floor. She had never realised that her father felt this way, was it really what he wanted? For her to leave? She looked up through her window, she could barely make out Jonathan in one of the upper fields.

How long before he realised that he wasn't really safe here, how long before he is going to run off to hide somewhere else. Could she live that way, on the run the whole time? His lifestyle wasn't what she was used to, being on the run the whole time.


Jonathan pulled off his shirt, there were so many things that he wanted to complete before he moved on, Luara was always on his mind, but for him to be able to take her with him, he would have to quit his work. Could he do that, could he give everything up for her? All those years of working hard to proof himself to all of his superiors, all those years of missing everything that was important to him.

Pushing the shovel into the ground he wiped his forehead with the back of his head, leaving a muddy track across his forehead. He started working on the hole again, furiously driving the shovel into the ground, taking all his frustration out on the ground. The whole was growing deeper than necessary, but Jonathan didn't stop.

He was pulled from his attack on the ground by the sound of someone clearing their throat behind him. "Planning to dig to China?" Laura's voice made him smile, "Not really, but I could try?" he shoved the shovel into the ground before turning to face her. Sweat was glistening across his body, and Laura couldn't help but admire him as he stood in front of her, his muscles were flexing as he stretched to relieve the kink that had built up from the repetitive action of digging.

Laura shook her head slightly, walking past him she walked towards one of the posts, she sat down on the grass, leaning back against the wooden post. "Jonathan how long were you planning on staying here?" she said not looking back up at him. Jonathan was surprised by her question. "Laura?" he said with a raised eyebrow as he walked towards her. He knelt in front of her. "Do you want me to leave?" he asked.

Laura nodded her head, still avoiding eye contact, "I think it's for the best." She looked towards the other pasture. "Laura please look at me." He said placing his finger against her cheek, gently pushing her face to face him. "Because if that is what you want, I will leave right now." Laura made eye contact for the first time.

She tried to swallow the lump that was forming in her throat. "It will be for the best." Jonathan leant forward, gently pressing his lips against hers. "I'm going to miss you so much." She whispered against his lips. Jonathan placed her hands against her cheeks, holding her in place as he deepened the kiss. Jonathan stood up, turning around he started to walk away.

Laura tried her best to keep the sob that threatened to escape suppressed but it escaped anyway. "Jonathan." She said as she got up, Laura rushed to where he stood, "Please take me with you." she was annoyed at the way her voice sounded whiny. Jonathan looked down at her, "Laura we can stay right here, I can protect you better here than I could ever out there." He reached up, tucking a piece of hair that had escaped behind her ear. "I want to stay here with you, I will give everything up, I don't want to continue this way."

Laure shook her head, "You can't give up your life for me, I don't want you to resent me for the rest of my life." Jonathan stepped closer to her, "Who says I am going to resent you? I'm not getting any younger. Think of it as early retirement."

Laura could stop the tears from falling, but Jonathan wiped at them, "Please darling this is a good thing." He kissed her gently, starting slowly, trying to portray his need for her with every press of his lips.

"You are my life from now on, I promise I will always protect you." Jonathan deepened his kisses, holding her tightly in his arms. "I have wanted you from the first time I saw you." He whispered. Laura couldn't help but giggle, "You were a mess, I don't think that could be true." Jonathan shook his head, "I'm a man who knows what he likes, and I liked you the moment I opened my eyes."

Jonathan fell to his knees in front of her, pulling Laura down with him. He pressed her down on the ground, reaching over her, he pressed his lips to her cheekbone, her neck. "I don't want you to think I'm doing this to make you want me to stay." He looked down at her, "I will leave whenever you say I should." Laura shook her head, "Never, I never want you to leave me."

He smiled at her, kissing her slowly again, "I'm not going to make love to you in the field, I can't wait to truly be with you."


Donavan Sloane climbed into the car, "Are you sure that this is where he is?" He looked over at the nervous man behind the steering wheel. "I swear sir, this is where the informant said he was." The man started the car, slamming his fist against the steering wheel when the car didn't start on the first turn. He looked over at Donavan, trying to get his nerves under control.

"Pull yourself together," Donavan said as he faced the road.

The Abandoned SpyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora