Chapter 7

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait, I was discharged from hospital yesterday. Luckily hospital means that I spend hours plotting. So hopefully you will get updates more regularly.

Alec looked at the small photo, grabbing the paper from the woman's hands. "Alec?" she questioned, frowning at the look on his face, "What has gotten into you?" she crossed her arms across her ample bosom. Alec looked up at her, "This man, I know where he is." the woman moved closer, leaning over the counter towards Alec. "What do you mean?" her eyes were twinkling and Alec couldn't help but feel the sudden urge that he couldn't trust her.

"Never you mind." Slapping a couple of notes on the counter he grabbed the newspaper and walked towards his truck.

He looked around before climbing into the driver seat. "What are you hiding?" he asked the stern photo of Jonathan. He read the article a couple of times, nothing was really revealed, on closer inspection, he couldn't even see the wife's name anywhere in the article. There was a mobile number for the officer involved in the case, even this seemed suspicious to Alec. "I smell a rat," he said slamming the paper down on the dashboard before starting the truck.

He drove to towards his farm, at the last stop before the long road back starts he stopped. Pulling the article close again he finally made up his mind.


Laura had been pondering over her strange encounter with Jonathan the whole morning finally, she gave up on concentrating on her last chores. There was something about him that just pulled her in, like a moth to a flame. Some would argue that this feeling was just because she was inexperienced around men, but Laura knew, this was something so much more.

She was busy removing the last of the washing from the washline when she spotted him walking towards the barn. His shirt was clasped in his hand as he walked, she watched the sun making the sweat on his upper body glisten. He was definitely well built, the bruises now faded to a dull colour.

In a split second, Laura placed the piece of clothing she had in her hands in the basket and ran after him.

Entering the barn it took a couple of seconds for her eyes to adjust to the dim light. She could barely make out where everything was, but she could hear him moving around in the little loft area.

Climbing the ladder slowly she tried to work up the courage, she has never been this bold with anyone, and at this stage, she was worried that her nerves would make her back out.

Reaching the last wrung, Laura took a calming breath, trying to slow down her racing heart. she reached a shaking hand out and knocked on the ladder. "Can I come up?" she asked her voice shaking a little. She looked up into his smiling face, "Of course," holding out his hand he supported her under her elbow, pulling her up. "Is something wrong?" he looked at her, concern showing in his eyes.

Shaking her head she made eye contact, "Jonathan about earlier." Jonathan quickly cut her off, "Don't worry about it, I promise it won't happen again." he rubbed the back of his neck, his chest rising and falling as he took deep breaths to try and regain control of his thoughts.

Laura stepped closer to him, smiling shyly she looked at the ground, "That's the point, I want it to happen again." she said softly. Jonathan couldn't be sure he heard her correctly. "Laura, I'm not the one you want to do this with," he said resting his hands on her shoulders, making slow circular motions with his thumb. The action sends shivers down Laura's spine.

Shaking her head, she looked up, their eyes meeting. "That's the point, you are the one." she reached up, wrapping her arms around his neck, she gently pressed her lips against his.

Jonathan made a groaning sound in his throat before pulling her flush against his body. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly against him. "Are you sure about this?" he asked after when their kissing has become more desperate, she could feel his desire against her.

"I've never been surer about anything in my life." She said her eyes searching his, she stepped back pulling her shirt off over her head, she watched him as his eyes roamed over her body, taking her in. "You are gorgeous," he said as he stepped towards her, pulling her into his arms as he walked them towards his mattress on the floor.

He knelt on the mattress, holding her in front of him, "I've been dreaming of doing this for weeks." Laura couldn't help but blush as she watched him. He slowly started tugging at the fastings of her shorts.

"I'm going to take my time, I want to savour every moment." he growled against her stomach as he kissed her gently just below her belly button.


Alec rushed home, probably breaking every speed limit on the way to the farm, luckily for him none of the traffic cops bothered to set up their equipment this far out of town.

Pulling into the farm yard his eyes scanned the area, he tried to see if either of them were in the area. He got out of the truck, leaving it open he ran into the house. He was sweating profusely at this point, his breathing laboured.

Reaching to his bedroom he threw open the closet door, his hands shaking as he tried to unlock the save. "Come on you bloody bastard," he shouted at the steel cabinet. when the door finally swung open he dived to pull out the double barrel shotgun.

Grabbing a pack of bullets he shoved them into his trouser pockets before rushing down the stairs. Reaching the porch he scanned the lands in front of him. He already knew Jonathan and Laura weren't somewhere out there, he just had the feeling. He walked across the yard towards the barn, the door stood open. Pushing through it, he could hear moaning coming from the loft.

Alec could feel the blood boiling in his veins as he cocked the gun, loading it with bullets. Holding the gun in the air he fired a shot into the air above him.

Laura and Jonathan jumped as the sound of the gun rang through the air. Laura scrabbles for her shirt, while Jonathan pulled her back, pushing her behind him. "Wait here," he said as he crawled towards the ladder.

"Okay you sick bastard," Alec yelled, aiming the gun towards the top of the ladder leading to the loft. "Send Laura down and then you get yourself down here." 

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