Chapter 9

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A/N: Sorry this took so long, it wasn't working the way I wrote it, so had to rewrite. Let me know what you think in the comments


"Are you all telling me that he just disappeared?" Slamming his hand down on the table, Donavan Sloane glared at the group of men that surrounded his table. He looked at his right-hand man, "How the hell did he get out in the first place?" walking towards the man standing in front of him he pulled himself to his full height, it would've looked ridiculous if it was any other man, but even at 1,5m, he was a very intimidating man.

"Sir I swear that he was unconscious on the floor when I left for a cigarette when I got back he was gone." The man could barely make eye contact with Donavan. "A cigarette came between you and killing that two faced spy?" the spittle that flew from Donavan's mouth covered the other man's face, he was visibly shaken by the boss's rage.

Stabbing his finger into the man's chest, Donavan glowered at the man in front of him.

"By god help me, Shawn if you weren't my wife's nephew I would kill you right now." He ran his hand through his short hair, leaving the hair standing on end. "Two months, you have been looking for two months, and nothing. Not a single trace of him."

Donavan sat down in his chair, looking at the men, "There is one of two things that could have happened. Either he pegged it out there on the road, or the cockroach is hiding somewhere with his tail between his legs."

"Sir we did publish that story in the paper, maybe someone would've recognised him." Donavan looked at the other man, he was the cliché of a henchman, rather large man, shaven head and a couple of tattoos visible from his rolled sleeve. "It was published a couple of times the past two weeks. Someone will come forward."

Donavan stared at the man, finally shaking his head he looked at Shawn, "Please tell me this idiot didn't just link us to Pine?" Shawn's face drained of colour as he looked at his uncle. "I thought that it would be a good idea boss." Donavan launched himself at the young man, grabbing him by the neck.

"If someone puts two and two together and comes up with us, we are all done." He growled as he applied pressure to Shawn's throat. The other man jumped forward pulling Donavan of his nephew. "Boss think of your wife." He said pulling at Donavan. Donavan spun around grabbing the other man, "Don't tell me what I can or can't do Patrick." He said before he drew his arm back, hitting the man in the face.

Patrick fell back, holding his face, he blinked up at Donavan. "I'm sorry boss."

Donavan sat down in his chair, "Now we wait until the cops show up or some innocent bystander to drop Pine in it." He looked around the room, making eye contact with each of the men. "Get out of my office." He growled under his breath.


Jonathan couldn't help himself, each time he spotted Luara the smile that was on his face grew bigger. The blush that coloured her cheeks showed that he had the same effect on her. He had been thinking of their time together the whole time, taking his attention off his work. He had been working on the same fence post the whole morning. Hitting the nail into the wood he looked up just as she made her way toward him.

"Daddy has been keeping a close eye on me this morning." She said as she blushed holding out a flask of tea. Jonathan smiled as he took the flask from her, opening it he took large gulps of the sweet drink. "Now that hit the spot." He smiled at her, holding the bottle out to her.

Shaking her head, she sat down next to him. Jonathan looked at her, gently nudging his knee against hers. He leant closer to her placing a chaste kiss on her cheek.

"Jonathan wait," Laura whispered as he kissed soft kisses heading toward her mouth. He froze his lips against the corner of her mouth. She couldn't help but smile, feeling in that instance she was the happiest she has ever been. "We need to talk this through, I still don't understand how someone can be looking for you."

Jonathan groaned, leaning his forehead against hers, he took a deep breath before sitting back on his haunches, "Laura I understand that his is confusing, but I promise you I'm not the type of guy who would hurt anyone, well at least not emotionally." She raised an eyebrow as she looked at him, doubt flickering in her eyes. "Can you tell me about it?" she asked her voice barely above a whisper.

"If I tell you the things that I have done," he gave her a weary smile, "there is a big chance you will chase me away, and I don't want to take that chance." He took her hand in his, running his finger over the lines on the inside of her hand. "Please tell me?" she asked, moving closer to him.

He took a deep breath, squeezing her hand. "I can't tell you about the latest one because you know," he shrugged his shoulders, "I haven't been debriefed yet, so it may jeopardise the case." Laura nodded her agreement, "I understand."

"Well, mostly my job is around weapon smuggling and trying to infiltrate those organisations. I get a new identity, cash and a credit rating to make everything look legit." At the confusion on her face, he proceeded to explain a little better. "Most of these bosses would do a credit check on new employees, to see that they aren't being taken for a ride by someone."

Running his hands through his hair, he left the hair standing in all directions. "Once I get into the correct circles, I would send information back to the organisation that I work for." Laura was captivated by his story.

"I haven't had a woman that I felt I wanted to start a life with and to be frank," he looked her in the eyes, "my line of work would take me away from my life and family and I wouldn't want to put them in danger should they find out who they were." His eyes filled with tears, "I still don't know how this would work, if we were to continue, you would be in danger."

Laura shook her head, "I can look after myself." She said with a determined look on her face. Jonathan took her hands in his, "You don't understand, they aren't your normal run of the mill criminals, they will go out of their way to hurt you."

Laura looked out across the farm, her eyes swept over the barren fields, the house blended into the landscape, it really did need a coat of paint. "I'm sure no one will find us here, we can hide here." Laura looked back at Jonathan, "That is if you wanted to stay here." Jonathan regarded her intently, "Would you want me to stay?" he smiled cheekily at her, "Do you think your dad will let me stay?" he asked his grin growing wider.

Just as Laura was getting excited he looked down at his hands, "But you know, I can't just let my last assignment hang the way it is, those men should be dealt with." He looked back at her, "They can't get away with what they are doing, and I need to inform my superiors of what I found, to enable them to make the correct arrests." He took her hands in his once again. "Before they somehow find out where I am."

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