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What is depression? You may ask but are you ready for the answer?

Some people don't understand depression they laugh it off when little do they know depression is a serious shit Some people think depression is something you can just snap out of little do they know depression is like drugs it take a hold of you your mind body and thoughts and bam you're not the same depression done took over you without your permission can you imagine that being violated by depression and you can't do a thing about it. A lot of people will be like oh get over it and stop drowning in self pity but you have to deal with depression first hand to understand it. You can't just decide you're going to get over depression and bam your depression is cured see its a process which takes time.

Depression is caused by a lot of things and no one brings depression on themselves trust me once it decides that hey I am going to possess this person there's no getting out of depression's hold. When depression say come here you cant say no even if you say no once depression has the intention of trapping you then it is going to do just that whether you like it or not you think depression could give a fuck about who you're what you have or where you're from or anything about you for that matter even celebrities are depressed people of all ages and stages of life are depressed depression takes no side depression is not biased people of all races ages etc are depressed. Its funny how so many of us are depressed but we feel alone  although some of us are alone in some sense

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2016 ⏰

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