Hawaii part 5

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Hey guys so I haven't put Devin or Grayson in here for a while, so I'll do their airplane trip and ride to the hotel.

Devin's POV

We are waiting at EIA to go board our plane.
"Flight 243 to Hawaii is now boarding at gate 5." We walk over to the gate and wait until we get to the front, I hand the flight attendant our tickets and we go take our seat in the first class section. We wait for our plane to take off, as we're waiting we talk about what we're going to do for the trip. I look over the guide, there's a pool and hot tuba and a slide, video games section, there's a shopping center and we can go see the cockpit and pilots, there's also a theatre. Grayson looks at me and says, "let's go swimming, and then go play vids, go looking at a few of the stores and watch a movie."
"Attention please this your captain speaking, we are just getting ready for takeoff, so if you could all put on your seat belts and flight attendants get ready for takeoff."
"We're ready," says the head flight attendant. We start to pick up speed until we rise up off the ground into the air. We get about 5000 ft in the air when the captain says we can take of our seatbelt a and go do some stuff. Me and Grayson go to the pool change room and change into our swim shorts and run out and jump in the pool. The lights are all different colors and there's a skylight to look at the sky, we are the only ones in there, so we set up a blanket and candles and we have a little pool side date. We swim around and go sit on the blanket. We are sitting there for about ten minutes when a flight attendant walks in.
"Wow it's nice and peaceful in here, I wish I could come join you guys, can I get you anything to drink or eat?" She asks us.
"Yeah can we get 2 Crown Royale Maple Rum and Coke, and a plate of Nachos, please and thank you.
"Okay I'll be back in about 10 mins with that." She says. I go grab a couple leaning back lawn chairs and a table. We take our towels and set them on the chairs as the flight attendant comes back.
"I have a few mins to sit and chat, going on vacation to Hawaii?" She asks.
"Yea, my brothers bf and his friend payed for our trip up there. We'll be there for about 2 weeks." Grayson tells her.
"My names Grayson and this is my lovely bf Devin." Grayson tells her.
"Hi, I'm Morticia." The flight attendant replies.
"I better go back to work, but I will come back to check every thirty mins." She says.
"Okay." I reply. She walks out the door and I move over to Grayson's chair and lay with him. We start kissing, but have to wait till we get to the hotel to have sex. We lay there and look at the sky as we move closer to Hawaii.
"The stars are beautiful tonight." I say as we go jump back in the pool. We swim over to the middle and move closer together.
"Attention passengers this is your captain speaking, we are about 4 hours from Maui International Airport. We have received word from the tower that it's busy so we may have to sit for 30 minutes when we land." He finishes.
Morticia walks back in and asks if we would like another Rum and Coke.
"Yes please," We say as she grabs our cups. She walks back out and I turn back to Grayson and say where were we.
"Oh yeah," we both swim under the water and come up by the side. We get out and walk over to the slide. Morticia walks back in with our cups and sets them on the table and then walks over to us.
"The green button here is to turn on the slide and, the red is to shut it off. It's an awesome slide, you'll love it." She says.
We thank her as she walks out. I hit the green button and we go up to the slide entrance which is about five flights of stairs up. I go down first and I see what Morticia meant. It loops down through the seats and back into the dive tank pool.
*Meanwhile at the top of the slide*
The green light comes on and Grayson starts heading down, he loops down through the seats and heads into the dive tank pool.
"That is so cool," He says. We go shut off the slide and go sit back down on the chairs.
*skip to last 30 minutes*
We are now only thirty minutes from Maui International Airport. The captain calls for us to return to our seats and buckle up our seatbelts. We start to descend and we feel a bit of a bump and we are on the ground pulling up to taxi to the gate. We get to the gate pretty quickly. We get off and go grab our bags. We walk out to the road and hail a cab. We put our bags in the trunk and get in.
"Where to," the cab driver asks.
"I pull out my phone and open the text from Cody. We are going to the Wet 'n' Stay hotel, At Wet 'n' Wild waterpark." I say. It takes us about 30 minutes to get to the hotel. We go and get checked in to the hotel. We are in the VIP suite all the way on the top with Cody, Steven, Allan and Ethan. We go up, we get undressed and go lay in bed. We fall asleep for about three hours and. We get up and get dressed. I put on a pair of red and white Nike shorts, a black muscle shirt, that hugs my chest and my purple and white Vans. Grayson puts on a pair of black Lulu Lemon spandex shorts with comfort air breathing to keep legs cool. He puts on a white muscle shirt and pair of brand new red and black vans. They grab their longboards out of they're longboard bag and go down to the park to ride them. They ride around till they find Cody. Steven, Ethan and Allan come out of the ice cream shop holding ice cream. Ethan looks at his twin brother and gives him one giant hug and asks what he's doing here.
"Well we just came for shits and giggles. Grayson tells him.
"Cody invited us and payed for our Airfare. I say, "which thank you by the way."
"No problem, enjoy the airplane pool to yourselves?" Cody asks.
"Yeah, how did you.......you reserved it for us didn't you?" I ask.
"Yep, I did, did you guys meet Morticia." He asks.
"Yeah she brought us our food and drinks, she a friend of yours?"
"Yeah, I knew you'd like her." We go sit down at one of the umbrella tables and chat. I take my phone out and text Cody, We brought our suits, for supper, I'm going to help you pay for that and the gift is at the hotel hidden. Oh and we are going to have group sex right?
Cody texts back, yea, and good. We head back to the hotel where we all jump into the shower and throw on our suits. Cody has a nice red shirt with a black tie, and black dress pants. He puts on a white dress coat and his piercing, Steven has a purple shirt with a bright purple tie, he has a black pair of dress pants and a white dress coat. Ethan and Grayson both have to wear black dress shirts, black dress pants, and a nice white dress coat, with a nice hot pair of black number one shoes. I put on Grayson's favorite color, a nice dark but not too dark, Blue dress shirt, black dress pants, a black tie. And a black dress coat. We head out to the front of the hotel and get into our hummer limo, we head down to The Red Piano, when we get there, Cody goes to the counter and tells the guy reservation for Cody Black. He looks at his sheet and shad yes, right this way. We follow him to our table. We order 2 Crown Royale Maple Rum and Coke, two Pinã Coladas, and two Budweiser beer, we also get 12 shots, 6 prairie fires(tequila and tabasco sauce) and 6 fire red.( tequila and franks red hot) The shows for tonight is Ethan's favorite Luke Bryan and Grayson's favorite Carrie Underwood, My favorite Sam Hunt, Cody's favorite Lady Antebellum, Steven's favorite Maddie And Tay, and Allan's favorite Kelsea Ballerini.

Thats all for today, look foreword to the next chapter next week.

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