Changes part 2

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Hey guys so I've decided to start updating every Tuesday. Here's part 2 of changes, explains more of stuff.
Stevens POV
I walk over to my friends who are sitting at the front steps. Once I get outside I see Cody sitting there with them.
"Hey, what are u doing here?" I ask as I give him a hug from behind.
"Had a spare next block, so figured I'd come visit. And I'll be here to pick u
up." He replies grabbing my hand.
"What do you want to do tonight?" He asks.
"Let's go see the new Zoolander movie." I say as we walk with my friends to the 7-11 down the road.
"So I'll pick you up at 3:30?" Cody asks.
"Sure, that works." I say.
We walk back to the school with coffees. As we walk in I look back and yell at Cody, "LOVE YOU BABE!!!!"
"LOVE YOU TOO!!" He yells back. I walk over to my locker and grab my stuff. My teacher walks over to me and asks, "how's Cody doing? I happened to notice you yelling at him." She says as we walk to class.
"He's doing good, he had a spare for this block so he came to visit me. Me and him are going to see Zoolander 2 tonight." I say as we turn the corner.
"What's up gay boy," my bully says as I walk around the corner. "Got your mommy here to keep you safe.
"Office now." She leads them in to the principals office and ask that they be excused from her class for the block.
"I won't tolerate that kind of language and I seriously won't have you in my class." She walks out and leaves them with the principal.
"You ok," she asks. "I won't tolerate that in my class and especially not towards my friends." She continues.
"Thank you Emily." I reply. "You're awesome.
There you go, gosh I hate writing bullies into my work but it works. Hope you enjoyed it. Update next Tuesday.

The Dolan Twins (Boyxboy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora