TN part 2

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Hey so here's part two. I didn't want to put the first one to three to four weeks behind. So I split them. The story is mostly focused on Cody and Steven. Photo of me. And the song is going to go with the story. Play when says for added affect.
Stevens POV
So we didn't go see the movie, but Galaxyland is so much better than a movie. And he promised me we would go see it next weekend, no if's, ands, or buts.
"Well we better head off if you want to go sit under the stars." Cody says. We get Mindy's number. Ethan and Allan offer to drive us to the legislature grounds and lay with us as we watch the stars. I lean over and place my head and hands on Cody's chest. He hugs me as we lay there watching the stars.
(Play oceans)
I see the purple lights go on and I look up at him. He looks down and says, so I still have one more set of plans for us. It includes a bit of tension and maybe Netflix. We lay there for awhile and Steven jumps up all of a sudden and runs to the pool not far from us.
I run over to him and just sit in the pool next to him. Our legs dangling in the water. We sit there for awhile, just looking at the stars and the water. I see Cody sitting there.
"I just feel like I'm not as dedicated to this as you are." I say. "Like at midnight it's our hundred day kiss and it's mostly been you buying everything for me. And I just feel so terrible for accepting it and not giving back." Cody wraps an arm around me and says, "I buy you those cause I love you and there's nothing that could change that. Even if the moon fell into the sun and caused us to go to complete darkness." I smile.
"Ok babe." I lean my head onto his shoulder and he sits there holding me as we listen to Hillsong United. It gets closer to midnight and close to our 100 day kiss. (Don't know it search it) I look at the stars and then at Cody and he's got his hand In mine and we're getting ready to kiss. Our lips touch and all we feel is this aura pass through us as we kiss. When part lips, Ethan and Allan come running over to us.
"You were glowing." Ethan says as they sit down in the water.
"We were." Steven asks. He thought to himself.
"How'd it feel, to you know, have your hundred day kiss." Ethan asks.
Allan grabs Ethan and kisses him. They feel an aura pass through them and Ethan and Allan are speechless afterwards.
" felt amazing," Ethan finally says after a pause. Allan is sitting there next to him just thinking of how to describe it.
"I can't describe it," he says. He sits there still thinking,
"I don't think anyone can, but we all know in ourselves how it felt." Steven says. I grab Cody's arm and pull him into the water with me. Next thing we see is red and blue illuminating through the night. We stop and sit as we watch the lights move around the area. An officer walks up and asks, "Whatcha doing?"
"We're just having fun," Cody says.
"Okay, don't cause trouble. He says and walks back over to his cruiser. He goes to shut off the lights but leaves them on and just moves to the parking lot. He backs into a spot by the curb and we move back to the far pool and sit down by the waterfall. We watch as the lights illuminate in the sky and on the water. I put my arm around Cody's waist and lean my head on his shoulder. I put my hand into Allan's pants and grab his member. He lets me and I take it out and say, "why don't we all go back to our place soon and have a nice long foursome. Then Allan can rip my ass with the help of you Cody. We agree to that. So we get up and go get into our car. We drive a little down the road and stop to strip off our wet clothes. I have two shorts in my bag so me and Cody put those on leaving our dicks out in the open. Ethan and Allan don't have anything do they sit nude, Ethan is holding onto Allan's all the way home. I'm sitting in the middle between Cody and Ethan. They're playing with me as Allan drives. Cody hops through the seat and starts to suck Allan as he drives down the road. We arrive at our apartment and we run over to the balcony. Allan and Ethan climb onto it as me and Cody run in. We get them in and lay down on the bed all of us nude. We put American Pie: Gay Band Camp on and we sit there watching it, until I grab Ethan and Allan and tell them to.....
Whoops, cliffhanger. Sorry, can't spoil it tho.

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